Turgen System 8.6.0 - Omicron
- dely/Blowjobb @ 29.8.2016 @ 10:05
Ukazało się bardzo ważne uaktualnienie pakietu służącego do konwersji plików na rozmaite kasetowe systemy TURBO. Najważniejsza nowość to wprowadzenie zunifikowanego dla większości przeróbek formatu - Omicron Turbo. Pełna lista zmian poniżej.
- New Omicron Turbo plugin that provides an unifying file format and loaders for all PWM-like modulation based turbo upgrades that switch to turbo mode with COMMAND or DATA OUT signals and read signal from the DATA IN pin of the SIO connector.
- Consolidated names and spelling of some plugins and binary convertors
- Silence lists allow to specify tenths of seconds
- Some plugins allow not to cumulate silence generated after blocks that hold multiple init vectors
- Automatic waveform selection based on width of pulses
- Batch processing allows to generate silence lists
- Batch processing allows to select binary converter by number of pilot tones
- Batch processing allows to replace current playlist
- The Standard plugin automatically generates silence after blocks that hold init vectors even without a silence list
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