TURGEN 9.0.0 - Mixed Bag

Kolejna, główna wersja multiplatformowego narzędzia do zarządzania, konwersji, tworzenia (oraz wszystkiego, czego można sobie wymarzyć) taśm przynosi długą listę zmian i udoskonaleń:

  • The playlist and playlist item code has been completely redesigned.
  • Playlists from older versions cannot be loaded.
  • Directory with configuration is now ~/.turgen-9.0.0. All preferences and window layout are reset.
  • When multiple files are converted, you can specify what subset of methods that can be used for the conversion
  • Worklist: A new popup menu allows you to open the output file or show it in folder
  • Playlist: You can move up and down multiple playlist items
  • Preferences: Change of the Look and Feel (LaF) is easier
  • Look and Feel: FlatLaf is the default Look and Feel. All scrollbars show arrows.
  • GENCAS: Running GENCAS without parameters shows basic usage instructions
  • A sample .xex file is included in the installation
  • Audio Output: The buffer size is no longer configurable and is determined automatically instead
  • Some useless statistics for binary load files removed from the file statistics dialog
  • Wiki pages were found not to be useful and were removed.
  • Closing the program window did not terminate output of the signal
  • ClassCastException thrown when creating Standard plugin playlist items

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