Altirra 2.90

Wszyscy o tej porze zapewne przewracali się z boku na bok, tymczasem dziś w godzinach wczesno-rannych czasu GMT+1, pojawiła się kolejna wersja najbardziej rozwijanego emulatora 8-bitowego Atari oraz konsoli 5200.

Co w niej znajdziemy nowego:

  • 5200: Built-in database now provides mapper types for the popular cartridges, reducing the need to guess between 16K one-chip and two-chip.
  • Cassette: Improved randomization, more boot options, improved acceleration support.
  • Development: Many fixes to coprocessor debugging on Veronica or disk drives, export profiling data, capture debugger logs.
  • Devices: Attach multiple SCSI devices to the emulated BlackBox or MIO, change the PBI device ID on your IDE+2. Accuracy fixes for VBXE and modems.
  • Disk drives: Full emulation of popular disk drives, including: 810, 1050, US Doubler, Happy 810/1050, 1050 Turbo, Speedy 1050, XF551, Indus GT, and ATR8000. Run the original firmware and utilities for the drives, even ones that upload custom code; see track buffering, LED displays, and even boot CP/M on the drive. Emulate multiple drives at once and reenact a multi-copy between them.
  • Firmware: More fixes to the built-in firmware, and a new command to export the internal ROM sets for use on your real hardware or other emulators.
  • Hardware: CTIA emulation, change 65C816 speed on the fly without restarting, ANTIC and POKEY accuracy fixes. UI: Borderless mode, improved NTSC artifacting and default palettes, hold keys on reset, take screenshots with correct aspect ratio, confirm before reset or exit, improved XEP80 display support, resizable disk dialog with drag-and-drop support.

Emulator jest do pobrania z oficjalnej strony projektu.

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