Turgen System 8.2.16
- dely/Blowjobb @ 24.7.2012 @ 16:16
Ukazała się nowa wersja multiplatformowego narzędzia do konwersji plików wykonywalnych na najpopularniejsze taśmowe systemy turbo (również w drugą stronę) dla Atari XL/XE. Zmiany:
- Turbo decoder supports 16-bit samples in WAVE files.
- trXX tape image chunks no longer have always baud rate of 1.
- B-TAPE plugin can be forced to output tr2k tape image chunks instead of trbt chunks.
Archiwum z Turgen System jest dostępne na stronie projektu. Uwaga, przypominamy uprzejmie że do działania programu niezbędne jest zainstalowane środowisko Java Runtime Environment 1.4.2 lub nowsze.
I am considering enancing the decoder to support some polish turbo systems, but it seems that A8CAS and a8cas-tool can do the job very well. Am I Right?
But you know, having it in "one, single" module instead of few components is probably good idea.
But of course, amount of work to add this support could be big.
I think I can enhance the decoder step-by-step by starting with KSO Turbo 2000 and Turbo Blizzard. These two turbo systems have simple block and file structure.
I`ve been experimenting with decoding of KSO Turbo 2000. I have a working code (less than 100 new lines), so I`ll release TS 8.2.17 with such capability in a few days. Then I`ll try Blizzard which is similar.