RMT 1.32 - unofficial ver. by vinscool

VinsCool udostępnił binaria kolejnej nieoficjalnej wersji Raster Music Trackera z mnóstwem poprawek własnego autorstwa oraz szeroką listą nowości.

  • Updated the driver binaries to a newer and better WIP version, including export binaries. Work in progress ASM code is also included. Beware, it is messy...
  • Bump the version number to 1.32 since the driver update is a major change, and numerous fixes will be done since the last 1.31 revision
  • Clearly show the exact version number, since RMT may be updated pretty often, without really being warrant of a major release... Like this one for example :P
  • Added 16-bit pitch accuracy frequencies display for Distortion 2, A, C and E (C table 2)
  • Added Sawtooth pitch frequencies display, as well as if the waveform is inverted by swapping the CH1 and CH3 values
  • Fixed a bug when playing a song with follow cursor enabled would always switch back to "play from current position" mode even if the mode was set to "track loop"
  • Fixed a memory leak caused by the 16-bit frequencies calculations, which lead to a chance out of 2 to cause a crash when RMT is being executed
  • Changed the empty tracks appearance from a single dash per row to a dotted pattern identical to tracks with data into them (thanks zaxolotl for the suggestion!)
  • Tweaked the "Go to line: XX" appearance by moving it a few tiles to the left, in order to mask the line number. This may help reduce the number accidental recursive GOTOs when they are edited
  • Also changed the GOTO colours so only the number colour will be changed when highlighted. The number will be white by default
  • Added a line separating the Left/Right tracks in the SONG block, making it easier to identify which channels belong to which side
  • Small improvement to make the "Go to line" on tracks more appealing visually: highlight the number when the cursor is actually active in tracks, and keep the "Go to line" text more visible as well.
  • Set the cursor position on the Volume envelope by default for instruments, to avoid accidentally overwriting the name when cycling through instruments (thanks PG for the suggestion!)
  • Properly fixed the Follow Cursor Play bug by also making sure the parameter was defined in the Subsong change as well
  • Fixed a bug where using the PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN keys in tracks at the same time as play+follow mode is active would cause graphical glitches since the line would try to move at the same time of following the cursor
  • Re-introduced the Distortion 6 BASS16 code in RMT, with updated description. You can also set the Distortion used for it with CMD6. $0Y = Distortion
  • Small update on Distortions and Commands description, Added infos for new BASS16 CMD6 code, as well as Distortion A Sawtooth mode using AUTOFILTER + CH1+3 1.79mhz mode.

Download: RMT 1.32 - unofficial version by VinsCool

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