Ice-T XE 2.73
- dely/Blowjobb @ 28.4.2012 @ 09:14
W niemal dokładnie piętnastą rocznicę wersji 2.72 ukazała się kolejna wersja świetnego programu telekomunikacyjnego dla Atari XL/XE - Ice-T. Nowości:
- R-Time 8 cartridge supported for clock that is displayed in the menu. Even without R-Time 8, clock and timer are now far more accurate, particularly on PAL machines.
- The break key may now be used (in addition to ^Esc) to send a break.
- Arrow keys in the menus may now be used with or without holding down Ctrl.
- Some fixes made to way I access the serial port device (R:). Dial string changed from ATDT to ATD.
- Fixed timing bug in dialer.
- Dialer will now hang up before dialing, if you were already online.
- Fixed potential crash when quitting the program.
- Removed registration nag messages.
Download: Ice-T XE 2.73
... szkoda, że to nie obsługuje 80 znakowego trybu VBXE.