Wirtual World Basic dla Atari 2600
- Sikor/Sikor Soft @ 21.6.2016 @ 11:39
Jak się można dowiedzieć ze strony - dostępna jest implementacja Tiny Basic (oryginalnie 2KB dla komputerów Altair) dla Atari 2600. Compiler oferuje między innymi (za stroną):
- Playfield camera view to pan about the virtual world.
- Sprites which you can bind to virtual world pixels (tile mapping).
- Virtual world collision detection (on screen and off).
- Design large virtual worlds with ASCII art in your BASIC program, sprite graphics too.
- The playfield camera view links relationally to the virtual world whenever you change the camera coordinates.
- fx sound engine - define chip tunes that repeat in the background and for specific game events.
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