Hi all, first time on this great Atari forum. Unfortunatelly I don't know Polish so I often figure out by the content what is talked about here. I started using MADS and it is really great assembly language cross-compiler with all those great features. One question thou. I can't make it work when using .IF statement. Funny but true. I could go using ASM branches but why not using this feature. The problem I found is when I declare a variable like this:
.var j .word
Then I declare the value for it like mwa #10 j
But if I use something like that:
.if j > 10
jsr printf
dta c'*** j > 10 ***',$9b,0
jsr printf
dta c'*** j = 10 ***',$9b,0
the program flow jumps to the first part of .IF statement, which should in fact go the second one. Please help me out and tell me what I am doing wrong.
Thank you for any help, greetings