Hello folks,
at Fandal`s homepage (http://atari.fandal.cz) you can find a lot of programs for download. alas, many of these programs have been converted directly from turbo 2000 tape to diskette. And, as many of you may know, the programs always occupy memory from $0700 upwards. And this is a problem, since none of these programs can be loaded on a real Atari from DOS or gamedos. I tried several gamedos versions (like nano-dos, micro-dos, pico-dos, mypico-dos, micro-sparta-dos) and none of them was able to load such a program.
Ok, so I tried to pack these programs with Code3 Cruncher (2.x and 3.x) to change the memory adress, but this did not work, the packer crashed immediately. Well, there were still Super-Copy and Super-Packer left, but they are limited to 30-32kbytes in size (and I have bigger programs)... so what now ?!?
Is there any kind of relocator or packer program that can change these programs (for example IBMTETRIS.XEX) in such a way, that they *do not use* memory adresses $0700-0BFF, so that they will work at least under a gamedos ?!? Well, I would prefer idiot-proof programs, where one simply loads in the program into the relocator or packer and changes the start adress (or copies it to another adress, like in Superpacker) and the packer/relocator then gives the new end adress and run adress. But it should work with programs that are bigger than 32kbytes in size... and it would be very nice if one could use RAM under the OS (meaning the program should then create/include a small routine to use that memory space, if possible)... any ideas ?!? greetings, Andreas Magenheimer.