Hi atari coderz!

I tried to create routine and DLI for TIPimage - 160x100 (i think that it's TIP, it's kinda HIP). Picture is from NUMEN (brain with numen logo) but code is mine, 'cause NUMEN source is MTFK weard. It works quite well, but there are some differences in display between numen source and my source(colours are little different). Can you help me o find where is the problem?

You can suck sources here:


please help...




*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C


Firstly change permissions to this file as I have Forbidden...


Przeciez link dziala...


Yes, I've just downloaded this stuff with no problem. lewiS, right click and save as, not f*.*ing left. ;)

Zawsze mam rację, tylko nikt mnie nie słucha.

6 Ostatnio edytowany przez Monsoft (2005-11-03 04:48:41)

Heh guys, you both have a right. If I'm using Firefox (linux and windows) I got forbidden error as Lewis got. With IE and wget are OK.
Access to this file is through redirect option at Apache http server (code 302) and maybe this is some problem :(


Ok. I have downloaded it under IE. I have a very, very quick look into it and I think it can be some thing wrong with DLI procedures. You have:

    ldx #48
hpp2    mva #128 $d01b
    sta wsync
    mva #192 $d01b
    sta wsync
    mva #64 $d01b
    sta wsync
    mva #192 $d01b
    sta wsync
     bne hpp2

Try to move sta wsync before putting anything in $d01b.

8 Ostatnio edytowany przez matosimi (2005-11-03 13:10:29)

Moving sta wsync before sta prior has no effect. (it causes that color and luminance are flipped so when I change order of GTIA lines, it will be same as in the begining)


You begin your code with:

    mva #14 $2c6 ;light
    mva #8 $2c5
    mva #4 $2c4
    mva #0 $2c8 ;dark

... and you wonder why the colors are different? :)




The UNIX Guru`s view of Sex:
unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; umount; sleep


Oh shit, whata stupid bug! ;)
I've found this problem yesterday night. That code was originaly created for gr15 interlace, so I've just made some corrections and new DLI for TIP, but I didn't spotted that piece of code where are 4 colours changed.

There is also another realy stupid bug in that code... ...main code starts at $2000 org $2000 and there is run $4000. -I really don't know how it could work... :lol: