MM: for the future: write at proper forum!
guys... i need (again) help with MPT
i have downloaded & converted the player versions c and s found on jaskier's website...
then i have saved MPT music done by xray in MPT protracker at $1000... can someone explain why this does not work?
;* mpt player test
;mus_init equ $7891
;mus_play equ $7500
mus_init equ $3400
mus_play equ $3403
org $4000
mva #0 $fa
ldx #$10
jsr mus_init
start mva #1 540
loop lda 540
bne loop
jsr mus_play
inc 712
lda $fa
sta 710
jmp start
org $1000
ins 'pac1a.mpt',6
; org $7500
; ins 'mptplr75.obj'
org $3400
ins 'pla24s.obx',6
i have a player routine $7500 which was ripped some 10 years ago... with this player the music playes... but when i am using the mptpla24s.asx it dows not play any sound... or even the short version c... can someone help me here? as i am playing around to exchange RMT music with MPT music in Boinxx...
thanks, karolj