1 Ostatnio edytowany przez tschak909 (2025-03-16 18:00:05)

Please read:

Anyone who is selling FujiNets for other end users, please provide the necessary USB port so that they can have their firmware upgraded. It also serves specifically to allow the FujiNet flasher debug monitor to be enabled, so that we can try and figure out what may be happening.

If you make your own design, please support your customers. We do not ask for any licensing or compensation, the least that can be done in return is to support the people you sell to, when you deviate from designs that we publicly make for anyone to use, or at the very least, add the requisite hardware from our production design so that debugging can be done, so that we may be able to help.

Thank you,

I am the systems guy behind IRATA.ONLINE. http://irata.online/


A lot of things are on me website:  ataripcb.pl

For FujiNET you can see:
I will add connection to programmer when I get back home.


Programming pins are described on soldermask.
Connection to programmer:
This is cheap USB to RS232-TTL interfacde

Post's attachments

FujiNET prog.jpg 1.15 mb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

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