326 Ostatnio edytowany przez mono (2023-11-15 21:37:51)

Drum Machine is a tool to play specified samples once you press a key (HELP, START, SELECT, OPTION, BREAK and SHIFT), push joystick in specific direction or press a trigger. This is a tool I made for Pinokio. He used to use it on his chiptune concertos. Sample playing speed is very arbitrary because by design it was used to play only drum samples, not for the music nor playing tones.

Edit: Try /A $D600 /O COVOX

hex, code and ror'n'rol
niewiedza buduje, wiedza rujnuje


uhm, understand.. so on atari doesnt exist SDX covox player?

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


hmm, probadly i found a bug? dont know if is about sdx, or its about sparta commander


When i trying view CAR directory, system crash.

latest beta SDX, u1mb, latest altirra firmware (4.20-test30)

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


w1k napisał/a:

hmm, probadly i found a bug? dont know if is about sdx, or its about sparta commander

Confirmed. The real bug in the CAR: driver, but SC should not crash either.

It will get fixed for a next release. Thanks for the report.

? HEX$(6670358)


dir MEDIA not sorted? i tried all methods (name, type, size, date)

Post's attachments

sc1.png 147.4 kb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

sc2.png 143.9 kb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

Tylko zalogowani mogą pobierać załączniki.
ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


It looks like sorted. By name.

Pamięć studenta ma charakter kwantowy - student wie wszystko, ale jednocześnie nic nie pamięta.
- Kilka(naście?) pudełek z klawiszami i światełkami. I jeden Vectrex, żeby nimi wszystkimi rządzić.


I think that he means that the left panel is not sorted.

The sorting routine checks first if the directory is already physically sorted (by the same algorithm). There was a bug in it and that check sometimes returned false positives, which resulted, obviously, in a directory not being sorted.

That bug has been already fixed, I believe, almost 2 years ago. Any SDX version later than that should sort stuff properly (the sorting module is on the CAR device, not inside the Sparta Commander).

So the resolution is: update SDX to a revision later than January 2022, then report back, if the problem persists.

? HEX$(6670358)


yes, i now flash sparta dos to 4.49g and same results (i tried sorting, still same)

Post's attachments

sc1.png 38.53 kb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

sc2.png 112.37 kb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

Tylko zalogowani mogą pobierać załączniki.
ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel

334 Ostatnio edytowany przez drac030 (2023-12-05 14:08:48)

w1k napisał/a:

yes, i now flash sparta dos to 4.49g and same results (i tried sorting, still same)

Hmm, it seems that even 4.49g is earlier than that fix (9 January vs 16 January).

Try this: use the SDX Imager and replace the sortdir.ovl file in 4.49g with the one attached here. Then flash the resulting ROM image and see if it helped.

Post's attachments

sortdir.ovl 1.52 kb, liczba pobrań: 2 (od 2023-12-05) 

Tylko zalogowani mogą pobierać załączniki.
? HEX$(6670358)


uh, i create new directory and directory MEDIA sorted correctly.. strange (without new sortdir.ovl), so i dont know if i must flash it now

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


w1k napisał/a:

uh, i create new directory and directory MEDIA sorted correctly.. strange

Yup, that bug is not easy to trigger :)

? HEX$(6670358)


exist solution how speedup sparta commander? reloading disks is very slow, now i have side 3, im using fat16 partition, but looks same like loading from apt

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel

338 Ostatnio edytowany przez drac030 (2023-12-28 00:30:11)

w1k napisał/a:

reloading disks is very slow

What do you mean exactly by "very slow"? Some reference below:

https://youtu.be/l7eot0MXoKQ (VBXE)

https://youtu.be/hbvAbkDCYdQ (no VBXE)

? HEX$(6670358)


i think with vbxe is faster, so that the solution for me.. vbxe:)

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


hello, any news of new version?

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


Unofficially, yes ;)

Kontakt: pin@usdk.pl


show ;)

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


any chance for new version?:)

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel



*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C


Tebe, że zadam takie pytanie: mało Ci było, kiedy Cię Solo sponiewierał na AAge parę dni temu? Szukasz po tym nowej zaczepki czy co? Bo nie rozumiem.

? HEX$(6670358)


sponiewierał czytaniem bez zrozumienia ?

*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C

347 Ostatnio edytowany przez w1k (2024-09-24 17:05:33)

Pri prezerani suborov niekedy sparta commander zamrzne.

Post's attachments

sc.jpg 502.52 kb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

Tylko zalogowani mogą pobierać załączniki.
ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


Co takiego? ;-)


mrzne pri prezerani adresarov..

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel