Has anyone been able to obtain one of these pieces of hardware?

Atari produced them to be used with the SALT Diagnostic Cartridge.

Has anyone attempted to reproduce this hardware?  It is constructed from commonly available integrated circuits.

Thank you,

Thomas Chrapkiewicz


I'd be interrested in one as well. By the way, there's a Super Salt cartridge with a different, more dophisticated software for this interface. It's not for a "regular" simpler SALT cart.

Pamięć studenta ma charakter kwantowy - student wie wszystko, ale jednocześnie nic nie pamięta.
- Kilka(naście?) pudełek z klawiszami i światełkami. I jeden Vectrex, żeby nimi wszystkimi rządzić.


Digging deeper, it may be that some of the components in this assembly are not too 'commonly available'.

I wonder if anyone has studied the code in the SuperSalt Cartridge(s) to understand how it interfaces with the Test Assembly hardware?


tchrapkiewicz napisał/a:

Has anyone been able to obtain one of these pieces of hardware?

Atari produced them to be used with the SALT Diagnostic Cartridge.

Has anyone attempted to reproduce this hardware?  It is constructed from commonly available integrated circuits.

Thank you,

Thomas Chrapkiewicz

4 Ostatnio edytowany przez jer (2024-08-13 18:11:42)

Super Salt Diagnostic

5 Ostatnio edytowany przez Gienek (2023-07-13 23:28:19)

This is a standard 16kB cartridge. It can be easily converted to XEGS-128kB (S-XEGS).

Post's attachments

SuperSALT_XEGS128kB.car 128.02 kb, liczba pobrań: 10 (od 2023-07-14) 

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