1 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-12-31 16:37:14)

First time I visited Jungle Quest since December and did some work on the programming. I added Music and Sound. Corrected several bugs. "Jungle Quest" could be renamed before the final release. Video61 and I have a title in mind, and will be making the announcement when the game is more complete.
Jungle Quest, is a game that I started when I returned to Atari in 2007. I resumed work on the game around August 2022. The game was intended to be similar to Pitfall, but would have new worlds to explore. Use big scrolling screens and take advantage of extended RAM. It will have a jumping system similar to what is seen in other side scrolling action type games. It will have moving platforms. Video61 wanted more elements to make it different from Pitfall because David Crane is someone he knows. I looked at another MS-DOS called "Jill of the Jungle" for inspiration. This will be a colorful and action packed challenging game.
Hopefully I can keep things on track, as many most likely do not know who I worked with in the past. But after being a member of AtariAge for several month back in 2007, someone did contact me about doing other games, and I eventually met Video61. We collaborated on games like Tempest and Venture. After that, it was just myself and Video61 that work on game projects afterward, and believe we got better. I had to learn how to create music myself with Raster Music Tracker.
I am removing old Work in Progress Videos, and only leaving the most current one available.

2 Ostatnio edytowany przez BartoszP (2023-03-26 10:20:34)

Could you please stop this self-promotion  posts?
Looks like you want as many sites as you can reach be indexed with these PR texts.


By the way, the link doesn't work anyway.

Pamięć studenta ma charakter kwantowy - student wie wszystko, ale jednocześnie nic nie pamięta.
- Kilka(naście?) pudełek z klawiszami i światełkami. I jeden Vectrex, żeby nimi wszystkimi rządzić.


You may need to copy and paste the link into your web browser in a new tab or window. Having problems posting links here with Google Chrome.
This is a work-in-progress posts for feedback about the game during development. I do read over comments about the game.


@Dely, miej litość... Mamy dość własnych spamerów...

Sikor umarł...


Dopóki posty są na temat, niech Kolega pisze.

Czy możecie wyjaśnić, Stirlitz, dlaczego wasz służbowy adres stirlitz@rsha.gov.de ma aliasa justas@gru.su?
Nie czytam PM. Proszę używać e-mail.


@dely, Ty tu rządzisz, ale... http://www.atari.org.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?id=19009 - po co mnożyć byty?

Sikor umarł...


Sikor napisał/a:

@Dely, miej litość... Mamy dość własnych spamerów...

Miej litość. Mamy dość samozwańczych szeryfów. Od porządku na forum jest administracja. Każdy post możesz zgłosić i opisać powód zgłoszenia.

Zawsze mam rację, tylko nikt mnie nie słucha.


Lizard napisał/a:

Miej litość. Mamy dość samozwańczych szeryfów.

Chyba Ci się coś pokićkało. Po cholerę robić pierdylion wątków na jeden temat?

Lizard napisał/a:

Od porządku na forum jest administracja. Każdy post możesz zgłosić i opisać powód zgłoszenia.

A myślisz, że co zrobiłem? Dlatego @Dely zareagował. To jego forum i jego decyzja.

Sikor umarł...


Nie zgłosiłeś, a napisałeś w wątku, zaśmiecając go i powoduję tę niepotrzebną dyskusję. To nie fejsbuk, że postawisz małpę przed nickiem i adresatowi wyskoczy powiadomienie.

Zawsze mam rację, tylko nikt mnie nie słucha.

11 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-03-27 01:13:11)

I am working on additional levels for Jungle Quest and it will have 32 levels in total with the current plan. Jungle Quest is going to have two playing modes, one that is available for any Atari 8-bit computer with a 16K scrolling screen. The other mode will be available on Atari computers with extended RAM with a 64K scrolling big screen.
I may need to re-work the music, some of the music tracks are not working as well as I intended. This is a work in progress.
I understand there is still resentment about this game could be a future release from Video61 on cartridge. There are many people discussing their own game projects on here, some cartridge games, some hobby freeware games. The first thread about this game got locked because things became uncivil, and I am not going to discuss people I had prior problems with here.
I do appreciate positive comments and suggestions, as games are still a work in progress. I originally put the game aside when I worked on Tempest and Venture. Now I am more fluent with programming in assembly, I can make this game to what I originally envisioned.


Does VideoXX pay you for promoting this brand each time you post a post?


Lizard napisał/a:

Nie zgłosiłeś, a napisałeś w wątku, zaśmiecając go i powoduję tę niepotrzebną dyskusję. To nie fejsbuk, że postawisz małpę przed nickiem i adresatowi wyskoczy powiadomienie.

Drogi jaszczurze, oprócz tego, że napisałem, to zgłosiłem, więc mi z łaski swojej nie inputuj. Poza tym - od sprzatania tutaj jest Dely, a nie Ty, więc swoje rozterki kieruj do niego, jak masz jakieś w moim kierunku. Zawsze możesz też założyć nowy wątek, bo tu widzę Ty zaśmiecasz, stając się kolejnym trolem. Mnożenie perdyliona wątków dla jednej gry, gdzie jest tylko link do video, poza tym  - na 100% nie wiadomo, czy przedstawia prawdę według mnie mija się z celem. Ale po co ja gadam z betnem w sumie...

Sikor umarł...


Sikor napisał/a:

swoje rozterki kieruj do niego, jak masz jakieś w moim kierunku.

Ty chociaż czytasz przed wysłaniem, to co napisałeś?

Zawsze mam rację, tylko nikt mnie nie słucha.


Czytam. Po prostu Ty mnie możesz też zgłosić, jak masz jakieś uwagi. Tylko tyle i aż tyle. Dla mnie eot.

Sikor umarł...


Something I would like feed back on is that how many people still play games on 48K 400/800 OSA/OSB Atari Computers? With this Jungle Quest Game, I did my best to make the games RAM usage restricted to 48K main memory. When I made Tempest Xtreme and Secretum Labyrinth, people did complain that I made these games only playable on 64K RAM machines.
I am keeping things relevant to the game. Video61 does not pay me to make posts, and I only make from the games once they are released. I know I am not the only person discussing software, as I am also aware of posts about "On Escape" and "Laser Squad" on this forum.
I am trying to work with the Atari community in software development, and I have a few projects in mind to improve routines commonly used in games that I am willing to share and work with others on.

17 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-04-01 20:01:15)

Looks like the video being reposted on other forums had provoked some interesting comments, and I would like to start with a general response here.
When I mark a game as work-in-progress, graphics, sounds, and gameplay are subject to change during progress. Nothing is final. How good stuff looks is a matter of opinion, and I am aware of what other artists do. Graphics may be temporary to stand while other parts of the game are being worked on. It is not unusual, when the majority of the programming is done, for me to edit graphics and sound, to improve the presentation of the game.
I do work in a team now, do some graphics, music, beta testing, etc. As the programmer, I have to look at what fits in memory or works with other elements of the game and make the decision of what to include. If this was about my ego, I would not be making public posts with screenshots and videos before the game is complete. I do like to read about what people like to see with my games.  This game goes back to the beginning when I came onto the Atari scene in 2007. Someone else did have design input years ago that I am phasing out because of problems I had with him later.


Speaking of videos: is your 'Fred Markus (FredMark)' YouTube account going to upload any content, or are you just using it to make incognito remarks under people's videos? Subbed, anyway. :D



PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Looks like the video being reposted on other forums had provoked some interesting comments, and I would like to start with a general response here....

Links to video do not work.
Why do you make comments here instead on forums where these comments had been posted?

20 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-04-03 13:09:13)

BartoszP napisał/a:
PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Looks like the video being reposted on other forums had provoked some interesting comments, and I would like to start with a general response here....

Links to video do not work.
Why do you make comments here instead on forums where these comments had been posted?

See if the links work now. I cannot go to the other place to post comments. I do not see any videos where "FredMark" posted a comment, mine or FlashJazzCats.

I am giving Jungle Quest work a rest for a few days in favor of finishing up a 7800 game. I am in discussion with Video 61 and my team about changes for the game. How I usually make games is make up some graphics for character sets and data for player/missile graphics. Do the programming, then when the programming is done, I can look to see how much memory is available to see if I can do extra stuff with the graphics, like copy stuff into a RAM character set, do animations, or make objects look different on each level.


OMG ... again? Looks like ChatBot generated text.


PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I do not see any videos where "FredMark" posted a comment, mine or FlashJazzCats.

Yeah, because I deleted it, but I kept a copy:


This is indelibly you on at least three signature counts, which I suppose explains your interest in whether there are any extant comments belonging to the account. Not that there are any laws against having multiple YouTube accounts (or against criticising content), so why deny it? :D

23 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-04-04 17:17:31)

New Image Hosting Technology Assimilated.
Jungle Quest is a game project that evolved over time. Started out as set Mac/65 assembly code compile to ML code subroutines and loaded into a TurboBasic XL running program, and called them. After working on Tempest Xtreme, and other games, I was able to port JungleQuest iover to MADS and make it into an all machine language program for a bank switching cartridge. Another issue was I started with using Atari Envision Font Editor was the only program I had been using for years. It is great to quickly design fancy fonts, but does not have a good Antic 4 vie. For years, it was one of the only good font editor programs until Atari FontMaker came along that lets me results in Antic 4 mode, and now using it to enhance the Jungle Quest font.
Later, I will see what I can do with the font, and make another YouTube video with showing other updates to the game.
I am denying it. The account is not mine or under my control, and not the type of thing I will post. Anyone with a fair understanding of English could had made that post. Irrelevant to subject.
I figured out how to properly link to video. Need to copy what is after the last / https://youtu.be/SZhlHyuNbB4 and copy it to after  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZhlHyuNbB4



Work in Progress April 15, 2023 of Jungle Quest. Working on the different levels to make Jungle Quest a multi-level game and have it look different for each level. I am trying some different graphics to see what helps make the game look good. Since I have to do the music myself, I have to look around and try different sounds to see what sounds good. Looking to have a Caribbean or African drum beat. Good thing kicked someone out years ago. Anyone know where there is an archive of RMT instrument files? Have some ways to go before I will be able to send it to my beta testers.


To wersja NTSC ?   Jak na PAL wygląda?