Nie wiadomo, co jest w linii 1000, bo do tego sluzyla wlasnie komenda REM, zeby byly dodawane czytelne opisy, co do czego sluzy, jak rowniez podzialy "tekstu" kodu, gdy wymagane.

Nie chcialbym zabrzmiec obcesowo, ale trudno miec pretensje do jezyka programowania o to, ze ktos niechlujnie koduje.

Trzy najpopularniejsze w Polsce platformy 8-bit: Piwo, Wino i Wódka. - -


It was a common practice, back in the 1970s to early 1980s, to remove REM statements to save memory and make programs run faster(running in interpreted mode). Many early machines had memories like 2K or 4K. Even the Atari 400/800 with 16K was a huge leap compared to other machines. I had a Vic-20, and when I got the 16K RAM cartridge, it made a huge difference. The program listings I am currently look at are loaded with GOTO #### and GOSUB ####, and to port those to Fast Basic involves me figuring out what is happening at those line numbers to label the functions.

28 Ostatnio edytowany przez maw (2023-03-05 18:16:56)


Nie wiadomo, co jest w linii 1000, bo do tego sluzyla wlasnie komenda REM, zeby byly dodawane czytelne opisy, co do czego sluzy, jak rowniez podzialy "tekstu" kodu, gdy wymagane.

a właśnie, że wiadomo ;)

Press play on tape...


With TurboBasic XL and Fast Basic, you can get away with having some REM statements to describe what is going on. Maybe have them outside of areas where program code needs to run as fast as possible. Before or after the main program loop. Plus the compiler excludes all the comments when building a binary anyway.
Something else that made old programs difficult to work with was that many programmers used one or two letter variable names, like I used A and B often to represent the main thing you control in a game, and C and D to represent the hostile thing you had to fight.
Most of the 8-bit machines came with the most Basic of Basic's that had to fit onto a ROM that was soldered to the main board. Atari originally had theirs on an 8k cartridge. Commodore had extensions to their Basic on cartridges. Fast Basic is one great thing that came along. Something I am disappointed about is that 7800 Basic developers are reluctant about making their product support better structured programming. Last time I sent them a message with suggestions to make their product better, it did not go over that well.


Fascinating comment but what is the sense of it?


Conversion to Fast Basic can be tedious. I use LIST to save the program in ATASCII format on an emulator. Use AtariUtil to extract it as text file so it gets converted to standard ASCII. Use a program like PSPAD or MS VSCode on PC, Mac, or Linux OS. That is so I have something I can do find and replace functions. PSPAD also has column selection so to make it easier to remove line numbers.
What you first need to do is find all the GOTOs, Gosubs, IF-THEN [Line number] statements and change to PROC-ENDPROC, Do Loop, Repeat Until, While Wend. You could be doing a lot of copying and pasting.
Once you start converting the program in Fast Basic forum, it actually becomes easier to follow.
A few weeks ago, I copied a few old Compute! Magazine type in games to ASCII. Had not got around to converting them yet. If anyone is interested in assisting me with porting them, I will post them on GITHUB.
I always say if anyone makes new programming languages for Atari and related platforms, it is helpful if we have many public examples. I just about ported every Turbobasic program I had in my posession, and now moving to magazine programs that are already public domain.