1 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-04-04 17:48:34)


Secretum Labyrinth is a series of games that I started developing about 10 years ago. Dark Castles is the latest game in development. I was working with Video61. They are role-playing games and adventure games like 2600 Adventure and NES Zelda, and they are big games with many different screens. They require time to develop and test. We want our customers to be a surprise and discover all the secrets while playing.
The game series was designed to bring large exploration games to the Atari 8-bit. Something we thought was missing on the 8-bit Atari. We have Atari computers with extended memory and cartridges with plenty of available EPROM space, why not make something useful and fun out of it all. You explore different screens in search of treasures, items needed to overcome certain points and develop your main character.
There is a Secretum Labyrinth game in the series that you can play for free. It can be downloaded here:
Secretum Labyrinth to gry, które tworzę na 8-bitowe Atari. Są to gry RPG i gry przygodowe, takie jak 2600 Adventure i NES Zelda, z wieloma różnymi ekranami. Dark Castles to najnowsza gra w fazie rozwoju.
Seria gier została zaprojektowana w celu wprowadzenia dużych gier eksploracyjnych na 8-bitowe Atari. Coś, czego naszym zdaniem brakowało na 8-bitowym Atari. Mamy komputery Atari z rozszerzoną pamięcią i kartridże z dużą ilością dostępnej przestrzeni EPROM, dlaczego nie zrobić z tego wszystkiego czegoś pożytecznego i zabawnego. Eksplorujesz różne ekrany w poszukiwaniu skarbów, przedmiotów potrzebnych do pokonania pewnych punktów i rozwoju głównego bohatera.
W serii znajduje się gra Secretum Labyrinth, w którą można grać za darmo. Można go pobrać pod powyższym linkiem.

2 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-02-17 13:12:09)

I have been looking alternatives of how things look on screen during game play. 
One ideal is to replace the HP: (Hit Points) indicator just to the right of EP: with a bar across the top of the screen, showing hit points or health. I could still have HP: in the character detail display (Press C on keyboard during game)
I have looked into making the walls look 3D, but my early efforts did not provide promising results. I am holding back on doing this because It would be a major overhaul of the game and will take a lot of time.

Szukałem alternatyw tego, jak rzeczy wyglądają na ekranie podczas gry.
Jednym z ideałów jest zastąpienie wskaźnika HP: tuż na prawo od EP: paskiem u góry ekranu, pokazującym punkty wytrzymałości lub zdrowie. Nadal mogłem mieć HP: w widoku szczegółów postaci (naciśnij C na klawiaturze podczas gry)
Zastanawiałem się, jak sprawić, by ściany wyglądały na trójwymiarowe, ale moje wczesne wysiłki nie przyniosły obiecujących rezultatów. Wstrzymuję się z tym, ponieważ byłby to poważny przegląd gry i zająłby dużo czasu.

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Secretum_Labyrinth_Alt1.jpg 131.25 kb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

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3 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2024-03-06 14:38:15)

I am working this cosmetic upgrade for Secretum Labyrinth Dark Castles. This is a proposed upgrade that I am testing currently.  This makes the coins have a flashing animation when they appear on-screen. The liquid inside potion bottles have a sparkling bubbling/movement. No final decision has been reached yet. Each time I make one of these changes requires more beta testing, and delays the release of the game.
I am sorry that some work-in-progress videos had to be taken down. Video61 and I came to an agreement that we should not be posting about games until they are ready to go up for sale. I was posting work-in-progress videos to gather feedback to get an idea of what people like. However, this sometimes had negative results. Some people nitpicked minor stuff with Secretum Labyrinth games just because Video61 will be selling the game, and not someone else.


@Dely, proszę... Z tydzień chociaż...

Sikor umarł...

5 Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2023-02-22 17:56:47)

Some good news. We decided to produce the game with the animated character set. This will enhance the gaming experience and add more of a NES Zelda like game play. This the latest enhancement I made lately to this game. The other upgrades I made was making the encoding small that draws each screen, so more screens can be stored within the cartridge space. Added a storekeeper on the screens you need to buy items. Added a "knock-back" effect when an enemy strikes you. A colored background behind the Hitpoint (HP) indicator. Green when poisoned, Red when low.
The primary reason why the game got delayed was when we started making games for the Atari 5200 and 7800, they sold, demand for them was much higher than just 8-bit games. When I did 8-bit games, I made the 5200 port also. The other reason is that I like to tinker with games that I wrote to see if I can make something interesting happen. Some of the stuff I did enhanced Secretum Labyrinth and Video61 really liked them. Each time that happened, it required additional internal beta testing to make sure a small change did not create an issue that will pop up playing the game for a few hours.
All I can say, that when I worked with Video61 directly, things got better and evolved over time. We had to figure out stuff, it was a learning curve. I am sorry that I got involved in responding when other threads went off track, that just led to it going further. If anyone has a prior issue with the games we are involved with, please email or post it somewhere where we will have an opportunity to replay and resolve the issue. Video61 frequently posts on Atari.IO now. As long as you are clear about the problem, and civil, we will reply.


Hi PeteyM5! I am in the process of writing one article on Video 61 for ATARIKI-website (http://atariki.krap.pl/).
Could you tell some facts on that company? Who set it up and when, who they consist of, etc. ?


From what I know, Video61, Lance has been selling for Atari since the 1980s. When Atari was active under Warner Communications, then later Jack Tramiel, he was a much larger operation. When Jack sold Atari, Lance acquired a lot of material from Atari. You may need to talk to Lance to get further details. His email is on his website.
I did not get involved with him until Sal contacted me around summer 2007 about porting an Amiga game called Battle Squadron. At the time I was working on various PC games and doing work on Jungle Quest when I had spare time. The Battle Squadron project never panned out and did not hear from Sal until late in 2007 to do an Atari 8-bit version of Tempest.
What other information would you like?


Secretum Labyrinth Dark Castles project is still very much alive and ongoing. This game is a challenge for our team to beta test because of its many features and many different screens. This will be the second Secretum Labyrinth game available for the Atari 8-bit. The first game "Secretum Labyrinth:The Legend" is currently available from atarisales.com.
I originally started putting this RPG engine together during the development of Venture. I was hoping to keep our musician onboard because this would be a great opportunity for him to show off his music skills and talents. But he was opposed, Video61 sided with me because Zelda like RPGs were seriously lacking on the Atari 8-bit computers. I just know why the musician was trying to have Lance stop development, and who he was also in communications with at the time. I decided to convert some public domain music myself.
I cannot reveal everything about Dark Castles, I can say it does have more tasks for you to do to solve this game.