tu wideo:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/129 … mo-ste.mp4

tu gra:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/129 … 160816.zip

a tu wątek o grze:
http://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.ph … mp;t=29615

SPACE = skip a splash screen

WASD = fly up/left/down/right
RSHIFT = shoot
? = lock multiples in formation (when held)
@ = recall multiples back to ship (when held)

Some notes:
- there is no BG collision as mentioned before 'just pretend'
- you only have missiles when you use bullets. the other weapons don't give you missiles.
- I don't have a MegaSTE so compatibility is never certain. it should work though. if not, make sure it's running @ 8mhz.
- the AI was not made to cope well with reverse-scroll at the end of the level, this is an overhang from an earlier demo
- it jerks when the music changes, due to the depacker (temporary)
- the big pink blobs don't harm you if you collide with them (no its not a collision bug), but they do stop your bullets and do break up into nasties when they die!
- the enemies are not yet managed vs gameplay or time - allow too many to collect onscreen and it will slow down

Lynx I / Mega ST 1 / 7800 / Portfolio / Lynx II / Jaguar / TT030 / Mega STe / 800 XL / 1040 STe / Falcon030 / 65 XE / 520 STm / SM124 / SC1435
DDD HDD / AT Speed C16 / TF536 / SDrive / PAK68/3 / Lynx Multi Card / LDW Super 2000 / XCA12 / SkunkBoard / CosmosEx / SatanDisk / UltraSatan / USB Floppy Drive Emulator / Eiffel / SIO2PC / Crazy Dots / PAM Net


Skrzyżowanie R-Type z Zybeksem :)

Czy możecie wyjaśnić, Stirlitz, dlaczego wasz służbowy adres stirlitz@rsha.gov.de ma aliasa justas@gru.su?
Nie czytam PM. Proszę używać e-mail.


dobrego nigdy za wiele :)

Lynx I / Mega ST 1 / 7800 / Portfolio / Lynx II / Jaguar / TT030 / Mega STe / 800 XL / 1040 STe / Falcon030 / 65 XE / 520 STm / SM124 / SC1435
DDD HDD / AT Speed C16 / TF536 / SDrive / PAK68/3 / Lynx Multi Card / LDW Super 2000 / XCA12 / SkunkBoard / CosmosEx / SatanDisk / UltraSatan / USB Floppy Drive Emulator / Eiffel / SIO2PC / Crazy Dots / PAM Net


extra, wieczorem przetestuje

dzięki Cyprian za info

Falcon CT60, CTPCI z Radeon 9250, Ethernat
260 ST, 520 ST, 1040 STFM, Mega ST4, STacy, ST Book, 520 STe, TT 030, Mega STe
Jaguar CD + Catbox, Lynx MKI i MKII
65XE ultimate, stereo, 800 XL + 1010 +1050


Dzięki Cyprian dziś będę miał co pokazać na kanale :)

ATARI 800XL/65XE/800XE/520STm/Mega2/520STe/FALCON 030 14MB RAM Roland MT32 i wiele innych zabawek :)

K*rwa, po śmierci zaczyna od początku poziomu; nigdy się k*rwa nie nauczą.

Trzy najpopularniejsze w Polsce platformy 8-bit: Piwo, Wino i Wódka.
http://ym-digital.i-demo.pl/ - http://yerzmyey.i-demo.pl - https://soundcloud.com/yerzmyey


Ładna. Ale już na oko widzę, że dla mnie za trudna.


8 Ostatnio edytowany przez Cyprian (2016-09-23 10:00:48)

Nowy adres filmów:



Nowy film z aktuanym stanemhttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/129 … y-demo.mp4

Notka o zastosowanej technice zwiększania ilości kolorów:

The colour-boosting feature allows you to obtain 50-100 colours from a single 16-colour palette without raster splits. It involves heavy offline processing of the graphics with a tool and the display arrangement is more complex. It also costs more to maintain the display updates.

A few notes:

- it flickers more than the others because the input map is already dithered (mainly between grey and brown), and my convertor re-dithered it into 2 fields. so it basically needs more care over the conversion for this one.
- the slow scroll is deliberate - its still 50hz though. I was asked about subpixel scroll recently so decided to use it here. the scroll vector and entity vectors are 16:16 fixedpoint, although the demo uses a table of only 32 equally spaced directions.
- the test map is 1264x1440 in 4 planes. the original version was 5 planes.
- the code is nearly identical to the shmup demo, except for the entity list and AI code (and extra bit for BG collisions). the rest is almost line-for-line.
- there are 40+ monsters on the map. they are all randomly spawned on non-solid tiles.
- each monster performs object-object collision reaction and object-background collision reaction. object-object one of the more sophisticated parts of the engine (as the shmup demos should hopefully show - it allows a lot of dynamics at very low cost).
- the object-background collision is tile based, using a list of solid tile indices. I won't detail the process here but it didn't take very long even if it was done manually, using map-diagnostic images emitted from agtcut. it helps that the map is quite well made.
- the sprites don't use many colours but drawn 4-planes regardless.
- this doesn't use the fastest sprite path in the engine, because the animation+rotation frames at 32x32 using my code generator just made it too big - about 300k (!). while I still can cut this back to maybe 200k its still too expensive - so it uses the lower cost version (like Anima's first method minus codegen, no line reordering). It would be worth using his newer in-between method for this demo, for ram vs speed - it seems an ideal fit. I've not had time to add it yet though. it does seem the masks for these sprites do not optimize too well so its hard to tell what a final version would be like at this point, just need to experiment more.

Lynx I / Mega ST 1 / 7800 / Portfolio / Lynx II / Jaguar / TT030 / Mega STe / 800 XL / 1040 STe / Falcon030 / 65 XE / 520 STm / SM124 / SC1435
DDD HDD / AT Speed C16 / TF536 / SDrive / PAK68/3 / Lynx Multi Card / LDW Super 2000 / XCA12 / SkunkBoard / CosmosEx / SatanDisk / UltraSatan / USB Floppy Drive Emulator / Eiffel / SIO2PC / Crazy Dots / PAM Net


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