I fully agree, but knowking that, a few months ago I have ordered extra cables from Lotharek to rescue the black U1MB.
I tested it with the new cables and it still had issues.
Now my new white U1MB works well. I'm happy and do not want to see the black one again !
I have actually sent it today to Jürgen from ABBUC. Perhaps he can repair it and use it...
I see. In that case, one extra thing I can point to is the PLCC flash ROM used on the older (black) board. They were usually Amic (occasionally AMD too?) chips and sometimes replacing the flash ROM with an SST part can make a very big difference to system behaviour (as much as turning a non-booting system into one which works).
Anyway: thanks for positive feedback on firmware. You'll finally see an update this week, I promise. :)