Problem objawia się od 43 wpisu, nie da się wpisać nazwy partycji - na dole ekranu wyskakują "krzaki". Ktoś z Was też tak ma?


Kontakt: pin@usdk.pl


Likely some buffer overflow issue: I will look into it. ;)

3 Ostatnio edytowany przez flashjazzcat (2017-11-04 22:28:42)

Please test the attached version and let me know if the issue is resolved. It wasn't until now that I realised that the bug people had been reporting only manifested itself in 80 column mode. ;) With that information in hand, repairs were easy. Editing of partition names at 40 columns in "Name view" was also broken and has been fixed.

Post's attachments

fdisk_4.68_test.zip 14.37 kb, liczba pobrań: 8 (od 2017-11-04) 

Tylko zalogowani mogą pobierać załączniki.


@Pin: It's mean that your partition has been encrypted by some Ransomware ;)


Good point. If only I could add a link to the donate button in the fixed version.


:) - działa, dzięki!

Kontakt: pin@usdk.pl


Thanks for confirming. I have replaced 4.67 with 4.68 on the repository accessible by DLT, so it should show up on the next SDX ROM images.