Na ST nigdy sceny w Polsce nie było... chyba, że jako produkcje scenowe zaliczasz demo-scrolle.
No cóż, Piguła nawypisywał bzdury i chyba tylko Sqward to próbował sprostować, ale postanowiłem to jakoś usystematyzować. Poniżej listy polskich grup STkowych oraz ich produkcji. Jeżeli coś pokręciłem albo ktoś wie coś więcej proszę o odpowiednie uwagi :)
Grupy pierwszej połowy lat '90:
- The Supervisors/TSV (Jack, Ralph Rudzki)
- Quant (Charlie, Peter, Vat)
- SFJ/Star Force Jupiter (PIT, Miki, Batdan)
- ST(e) FAN Crew (Softman/Wizard Maker, Kijop, Banzai)
- R.M.D. (Roman, Marek, Darek)
- Diamonds (?)
- Immortals (Michał,?)
- The Enigma (Dr. Raf, ?)
- Dragons Software (Kamil/Meverick, ?)
- The Cyber Skaters Crew (Marchew)
- Stage (Biker, Mbar) (?)
- Army Of Darkness (Budrys I, Mr. Larry/Larus, Gal)
- The Teeth Shackers (Marchew, Mr. Byte, Rademenes, Rosomak, STrych, Mr. Wrobel)
- Warriors of Darkness (Zero, Nemesis, RFR)
- Illusions (Biker, Hektor, Nemesis, Nop, RFR, Supleon, Deuce, Zero)
- Acid Team (Acid Maker, Mr. Wrobel)
- Ramsess Soft (Ramsess, Orby)
- The Rebeliants (Ramsess, Dr.Piotr, Simon, Acid, T2, Joa, Orby, zombie)
- QuaST Club (Dick > Van Eijk)
- QuaST Team (Rick/Dick, Graf)
- T.T.O.T.P (Costek, Kwadrat, Uras, Contrast, Van Eijk)
- T.F.T.E/Team From The East (The Bird, Mr.Byte, STrych, LoveSpy, STeel, Bilbo, Arcim)
- STEK CREW (Paskud, Muro, JAO, BCA, JAD, Markiz, TL Soft)
- ZoKathRa (S.B. Axel, Yoyo)
- LST (Wachu, MBR, Biger)
- Luzak Team (Graf, ModeST, Wachu, Vat, Latifah, Prodiz)
- The Votion (Costek, Bed Arrow/Grey, Hamtech/Sir Chriss/Hospes, Uras)
- Gedeon (Maxland, Doro, Maestro/Seabrush, Gregfeel)
- X-Ray Team (Adamsky, Riot, Bader, Marcus)
- O.K. Crew (ZYP, ?)
- The WATCH/"We Are The CHampions" - Unia 2 grup: TFTE i TTS
oraz koderzy, samotni strzelcy lub nie zachowało się w pamięci w jakich grupach byli: Exon i Mig-29.
Grupy drugiej połowy lat '90:
- The New Wave Team (Revanger, Pete)
- CoL (Adamsky, Riot, Loki)
- Mindwar Inc. (Adamsky, Riot, Marcus)
- Prestige (Adamsky/Kaid, Vulgar)
- Syntax (Yoyo, Klocek)
- Shadows Team (Raster, Stocker, Eddie)
- CNF/Confusions (Immortal, Martin, Maskotka, Meverick, Mr.God, Raster, Seabrush, Spiryt/Yahoo/Ooze, Sqward, Toovey, Vulgar)
- Cobra (Chris, Eros, Legwan, Martin, MacGyver, Mayonez, Riven, Winio, Vulgar)
- Mystic Bytes (Grey, MdM, Moonwalker, Modred, Riven, Robert, Seabrush, Simon King, Spider, Sqward, Dr. Max, Sector, Vulgar, XTD, Wachu)
- Whelpz (Eros, MacGyver, Mayonez)
- Underground (Eros, Klocek, Black Death, l.c.)
- Rasero Team (Butter, Motorol, Agent Molder, Stereo, Colorofon, Tuneloo)
- Jaguar Club (Gustaw, Rafael)
- WRC (DaCK/RedPixel, Mr.Putt)
Grupy XXI wieku ;)
- Lamers (AdamK, Alias, At0m, Drygol, Gepard, MKM, Shexbeer, V0yager, VLX, Wieczór, XTD)
- MEC (Bober, Dhor)
- ChenThread (asie, Axoi, GreaseMonkey)
- Ambrozja and Ambrozy
Polskie grupy i ich produkcje na ST:
- Quant (Onslaught Cracktro, The Yello Mix Demo, Love Spy, Aurora 1917 Demo)
- Star Force Jupiter (SFJ Demo 3, SFJ Demo 2, SFJ Demo 1)
- Dragons Software (Zoom Demo)
- Warriors of Darkness (Magnum Mag 0, Magnum Mag 1)
- Illusions (Illusions Slideshow, Magnum Mag 2, Magnum Mag 3)
- The Supervisors/TSV (Three D-Balls Demo, Soundtracker Disk 2.0 intro, No Blitter Demo, 101 Phraqtals Show, Gigascroll Demo, Spectrum 512 Slideshow, Coming Back After 15 Years intro)
- Acid Team (Dragonnels Demo, Black and White Demo, Lots Of Dots)
- QuaST Club (The VOICE OF QUAST & QuaST Mag, Van Eijk Intro, Quast Club Intro, Eijktro, Van Eijk Colection Demo)
- The Teeth Shackers (Rademenes Demo Blues, Yo! This is who we are, VBL, Urban Discipline, The Marchew's Contribution for Voice Mag)
- T.T.O.T.P (TTOTP Demo, Soft Demo, Jerry's Shitty Intro)
- T.F.T.E (The Voice Dysk Mag, intra: The Greetings Screen, Twisting In The Rain, Learning To Fly, Bye Demo, What A Fuckin' Mess)
- STEK CREW (Stek Magazyn)
- ZoKathRa (Alive, Dentro for Orneta Party '94, Millions of Dead Chips Demo, ZoKathRa intro for QuaST Mag#7)
- Ramsess Soft & The Rebeliants (kilka intr i kilkadziesiąt cracktr)
- LST (Kilka Rysunkow W16 Kolorach, Half Year Ago I Did Not Know What It Is Assembler, Spheres or Impossible or DSP demo, Alternate Chrome Demo, 3D Bobs Demo)
- ZYP (Vector Screen, List Disk, Demo, Vball, Intro Disk No. 0 Intro)
- Mig-29 (Dwnunastu gniewnych ludzi)
- Rafal Kawecki (D.C.K.)
- The Votion (kilka intr, The Votion Scroll, 1 demo)
- Luzak Team (Insomnnia Demo)
- VAT (Big Shit Dendro)
- Exon (interka np. pierwszy w PL fullscreenowy zoom-rotator, Nowe Demko, Exon Musicdemo)
- Wachu (kilka intr)
- ST(e) FAN Crew (Fantasy, Ball's Demo, Swenty Cola Demo, Hallo Babciu, Pink Demo)
- X-Ray Team (Echo magazine)
- Syntax (Solar System, Sometimes bumblebee flies higher than falcon, Reanimation, We love mr gouraud!, Player mag #2 intro, Player mag, Underground vs Syntax Mag)
- CNF (Confusions intro, Amblery Slideshow, Amok Demo, Filler mag)
- Cobra (Awaken (Preview))
- Mystic Bytes (Back To Oldschool, Wake Up, Electro Illuminations, Breath)
- Underground (Underground vs Syntax Mag)
- Rasero Team (kilka fejkowych dem i intr, Nasz Dzemik mag)
- WRC (Techno demo)
- Lamers (Satan Stole My Atari, Takeover, FirSTro)
- MEC (Unglobal, Uncomplicated, Unheart (game), Unbeatable, Unreversable)
- ChenThread (Cheqular)
- Ambrozja and Ambrozy (Mój stary)