Dostałem informację od Petera Putnika następującej treści:
"I see that you have Polski TOS - what is some unofficial (patched) TOS
version, I guess. In that case may happen that Windows long file name
(LFN) filtering will not work, because it must be set for every TOS
version specially. Just to mention that I translated TOS 2.06 long time
ago, and I used Germana TOS 2.06 as base - from good reason - it has
longest sentences, words. Then LFN may work, or if English TOS is used as
base for translation. If you want Windows LFN to work with your PL TOS,
best would be that you post me image of it (there is SW to dump TOS ROM
content). I found some Allegro site, but no free DL of PL TOS."
O ile dobrze zrozumiałem, przy TOS'ie 2.06PL będzie problem z długimi nazwami, czy może to ktoś potwierdzić lub zaprzeczyć?