Przegladalem sobie strony o c64 i natknąlem sie na stronce na post odnosnie zrodelek Numena.Panowie zachecają komodorowskich koderow na bazie tych zrodelek do napisania rownie dobrego dema.Pobozne to zyczenia a o to tekst w oryginale:
"The source of probably the best demo ever created for an 8-bit Atari NUMEN has been released lately. As far as I know, the Atari has the same processor instructions as the C64 and that makes this source quite interesting for the C64 coders too. Maybe someone of the C64 coders finds the pack stuffed with sources interesting as a reference. I find important to mention that this outstanding demo needs a stock Atari XL/XE machine + at least 320 KB RAM to run. That almost asks for answer from math coders using C64 ram-expansion units. ;-) (Don?t take my last note too seriously, though). "
Pozostaje tylko zyczyc powodzenia...:)