I cannot see shadows, bluring windows when moved, and transparency...
( :) )
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a8rawconv GUI Graficzny interfejs użytkownika (GUI) dla narzędzia a8rawconv
atari.area forum » Fabryka - 8bit » New GUI
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I cannot see shadows, bluring windows when moved, and transparency...
( :) )
@wieczor, drink some of vodka (probably russian will be the best). You'll see all of them and much more effects ;P
Has the vodka worn off? :)
Implement blue screen of death :)
I have done, but the error message is confusing. It merely says "READY". :)
Beautiful I can imagine you will put "NewOS" on SIC!Flash.
So you will just boot into "NewOS" from cart...
Full desktop redraw with icons and labels:
Well, progress :) Why you're redrawing both windows after resize?
Lack of cache memory or masking until I get the banked memory manager working. Stuff behind front window won't redraw in final version.
But seriously, even with a full screen redraw, compare this to Diamond GOS. :)
Memory manager? If your interested in this, there's quite a long discussion about it on the AtariAge forums. All the memory - in the first instance - must be allocated out of 16KB extended banks. I'm using a separate heap bank for the object tree and the attendant data (such as the text strings in menus, attached to menu item objects in the object tree bank). What we'll eventually end up with is a virtual addressing system, so that that data can be allocated out of a 64KB pool. Or, possibly, we'll sub-divide the memory into a number of smaller pools. Since applications in the banked region need to freely access data in the extended banks, there's a lot of complex work to be done.
Anyway: the heap structure and a number of interesting variations are discussed in great detail over at AA. :)
First demo:
Guidelines and notes:
•Run this with BASIC off and no carts present (SDX users use "X GUI.XEX"). You can boot the file with an XEX loader (for example, in an emulator), since it doesn't yet require DOS.
•You need a mouse on port 2.
•Use File->New to open more windows on the desktop. They're all called "C:>*.*" at the moment.
•Use Tools->Hide Mouse to toggle mouse pointer hiding when doing redraws. When the option is ticked, the mouse pointer will disappear and flicker, etc. Personally I can hardly tell the difference performance wise.
•Single-click registering is very slow: this is just a tweaking issue I was too tired to rectify this evening. To bring a back window to the front or use the maximize button (which doesn't toggle yet), you'll need to hold the left button down for a good second.
•You shoudn't need to single-click a back window before dragging its scroll handle or size box, etc, but you do at the moment. This is because I haven't finished the buffered event pipe yet.
•You can't close windows down yet.
•The desktop icons aren't "live" yet (i.e. they don't do anything).
•Don't be surprised if you manage to make a window wrap around and create screen garbage. The boundary checks are rough at the moment.
•The border flash is part of some debug code.
•Please no complaints about full desktop redraws. I'm well aware of what needs to be done. There are no back buffers or any "smart" redraws at the moment. That comes later.
•There are several really terrific bugs just waiting to be discovered.
There's a very odd bug which I need to track down which creates all kinds of problems when new code gets inserted or old code removed. I figure there's some rogue write going on in RAM which does or doesn't upset something important depending on the size of the code. Gonna be fun tracking that one down.
I've probably forgotten to mention some other salient points. Hopefully I'll get some feedback over the weekend.
I optimized the VBL and slashed a load of cycles out of it this evening: it now uses the font renderer bit-shift lookup table to divide MOUSE_X by 8. I also created a lookup table for the dynamic DLI to save doing computations on MOUSE_Y in relation to the display list. This has probably saved several thousand cycles per second.
Lots of changes in the pipeline, so hopefully this will be the first of many regular updates.
Nice one. :)
Very impressive. At first glance it looks much better than Commodore's GEOS.
Have you thought about turning your GUI into a standalone OS?
What types of mouses are supported ? ST, Amiga, Geos?..
Very impressive. At first glance it looks much better than Commodore's GEOS.
Have you thought about turning your GUI into a standalone OS?
Thanks! Yes - I have considered that. I figure we need to make the UI work first, and release a version which works with DOS (SDX, MyDOS, etc). Beyond that, we can start to think about loftier goals, such as multi-tasking, and an integral FMS.
What types of mouses are supported ? ST, Amiga, Geos?..
At the moment, ST (and compatible) mice only, although Amiga mouse compatibility is simple to add. We'll also support joystick, touch-tablet, etc, etc, in finished version. Keyboard control will also be possible.
Wow :) - When final version?
Heh... six months for the first beta, I'd say. There's still a lot to do. :)
Video of new window manager:
After a long break, the project is back on track. :)
Demos for Amiga and ST mice (in port 2):
Functionality is limited, but you can close / open / full / restore / size / move windows and click desktop icons. File->Exit is functional, as are View->Icons and View->Text. There will certainly be a couple of small bugs, and problems with scroll bar positioning, etc, are known. Lack of RAM has prevented me from fixing these issues, and I'd rather move ahead to a cartridge build ASAP.
Load address is only $1200, so you'll probably have to boot the XEX. ;)
Jizz... you're alive! :)
Video of new window manager:
After a long break, the project is back on track. :)
Refresh of the windows is not much slower than the one on ST without NVDI ;)
Szkoda, że GUI umarł śmiercią naturalną... :-( bo ciekawie się zapowiadał :-(
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atari.area forum » Fabryka - 8bit » New GUI
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