Innuendo & AS: would you mind me using some of your photos for a little SV report for ABBUC magazine? This would be really nice.
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Innuendo & AS: would you mind me using some of your photos for a little SV report for ABBUC magazine? This would be really nice.
505, Yes - You can use it without any problem :)
505: nice to see You here, dude =)
i am pretty sure there's no prob with As photos too :) so go ahead :)
Innuendo & AS: would you mind me using some of your photos for a little SV report for ABBUC magazine? This would be really nice.
You can use my photos too without any problem.
If you need any of these photos in high quality let me know.
I will send them to you
Thank you very much! So the article is ready! :)
Where can I see this article?
dla ABBUC'a w wersji papierowej, do której to dołączona będzie dyskietka ze stuffem z SV2k10 - jeśli nic się nie zmieniło w planach.
dzięki za info :)
The text is finished but the ABBUC mag is not ready yet. It should come out in March I think.
Now, there is a scan of the SV-report in ABBUC-mag:
Thanks again for the photos!
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