i write atari magazine ATA.. someone from atarionline forum help me with opening txt files..
but now is problem.
i have menu - A,B,C - for different txt file..
when i open text from A and i return to menu and hit SOME key, but not A, then is display that some text..

what is a problem?
file ATA2.BAS from file.

Post's attachments

ata2-source.atr 90.02 kb, liczba pobrań: 5 (od 2011-02-03) 

Tylko zalogowani mogą pobierać załączniki.
ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers
my youtube channel


Try add a line:

365 K=0:A$=""

Byl hrozný tento stát, když musel jsi se dívat, jak zakázali psát a zakázali zpívat,
a bylo jim to málo, poručili dětem modlit se jak si přálo Veličenstvo Kat.


thanks, i done it.. now i have new problem. uf

ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers
my youtube channel


w1k napisał/a:

thanks, i done it.. now i have new problem. uf

i send you PM

ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers
my youtube channel


sam sobie wyslal? lol!



ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers
my youtube channel


how i can do load text file, view full text on screen - only pressing key viewing next parts of screen?

ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers
my youtube channel