dely napisał/a:Mogę zapodać mój workflow.
1. rozkręcamy sprzęt, tak aby została sama obudowa.
2. myjemy pod kranem z płynem do mycia garów usuwając kurz i zabrudzenia.
3. wycieramy do sucha i udajemy się na balkon.
4. malujemy kremem tak, aby nie zostawały suche miejsca (ważne!)
5. zostawiamy i czekamy:
5a. jeśli jest parzące słońce to nie dłużej niż 1,5 godziny - po dłuższym czasie krem zaschnie i będzie niefajnie
5b. jeśli jest chłodno to można ponad 2 godziny
5c. podczas pochmurnego dnia 3 godziny.
6. udajemy się znowu pod kran, dokładnie zmywając krem.
7. jeśli żółte goto 3
Heja, przetłumaczyłem powyższą receptę nowo poznanemu atarowcowi z Holandii i on podaje swój również sprawdzony sposób do którego dochodził doświadczalnie. Cytuję istotne fragmenty:
1. take apart your computer leaving only the plastics
2. put them in the dish washer
3. make a solution with water, oxy cream (12% for large surfaces without text, 9% for keyboard buttons etc) and a bit (half a teaspoon) of oxy action
4. submerge the parts completely
5. let it sit for an hour or so
6. take 'em out, put them under UV
7. after half an hour submerge them again
Repeat step 6 and 7 till done..
The solution gives a more even spread and it doesn't go too fast leaving the plastics in better shape so it seems. I did the direct approach (applying the gel onto the plastic) as well, but I had very mixed results (the SF314 which came out spotted for instance), so now I take a more gentle approach but I feel the quality of the brighting is somewhat nicer and you don't have to worry too much about 'over' doing it.
a subnote to it, that a. it's dangerous stuff and b. its' still getting perfected every time I bleach.. At current the mixture water/cr?me is about 1 to 2. I started with 1 on 1 but that was too weak.
As for oxy, just less is more!!! If you throw in too much it will f**k up the plastic.
As for UV:
- I tried the solarium, too hot and too fast
- sunlight is okay, but it just takes 2 days or more to get the job done
- I've tried a 'money scanner', okay but still a bit too weak
- I'm using two UV TL lights now, nice and cold and I happened to find them (they seem expensive to replace tho)
So there you have the full story and like I said above, nothing is perfect and people might still have to adjust their mixtures because it's always hard to get the exact same stuff.
and as a last addition, I even used less water this time, so like 1 part water, 4 parts of cr?me and used a latex glove to apply it (instead of the dipping technique).
1 part water,
Put the oxy in, crush that, mix it
4 parts cr?me
Mix that all up
Rub it on the plastic each hour to keep the layer moist and even
Your friends' approach [chodzi o receptę dely'ego] was interesting and therefore I took a bit different approach this time which was more in between of what I was doing and what your friend was doing.
Results are better and faster. In essence the UV doesn't have to penetrate the water which makes it way more effective and just rubbing the material only leaves a thin film on the product which also helps the UV to come through so it seems.
I got like 6 or 8 machines left in storage, so enough material to go nuts on and fine tune the process!
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