z sidem zajxxxsta szkoda, co do ay to moge cos napisac tylko trzeba sie umowic co do komunikacji a aygrekiem,
AYcontrol = $fffd
AYdata = $bffd
gdzie dla atari beda widoczne te rejestry i czy ma znaczenie ktory bedzie zapisany pierwszy.
a moze tych 16 rejestrow zamapowane bedzie od d600-d60f ? tak by bylo ZNACZNIE latwiej
skopiowane gdzies z sieci - teraz nie moge namierzyc:
The AY-3-8910/8912 contains 16 internal registers as follows:
Register Function Range
0 Channel A fine pitch 8-bit (0-255)
1 Channel A course pitch 4-bit (0-15)
2 Channel B fine pitch 8-bit (0-255)
3 Channel B course pitch 4-bit (0-15)
4 Channel C fine pitch 8-bit (0-255)
5 Channel C course pitch 4-bit (0-15)
6 Noise pitch 5-bit (0-31)
7 Mixer 8-bit (see below)
8 Channel A volume 4-bit (0-15, see below)
9 Channel B volume 4-bit (0-15, see below)
10 Channel C volume 4-bit (0-15, see below)
11 Envelope fine duration 8-bit (0-255)
12 Envelope course duration 8-bit (0-255)
13 Envelope shape 4-bit (0-15)
14 I/O port A 8-bit (0-255)
15 I/O port B 8-bit (0-255)
- The AY-3-8912 does not contain register 15.
- The volume registers (8, 9 and 10) contain a 4-bit setting but if bit
5 is set then that channel uses the envelope defined by register 13 and
ignores its volume setting.
- The mixer (register 7) is made up of the following bits (low=enabled):
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
_ _
I/O I/O Noise Noise Noise Tone Tone Tone
The AY-3-8912 ignores bit 7 of this register.
The AY-3-8910/8912 contains the following preset envelopes or waveforms (set
using control register 13). Note that these affect volume only and not the
0 \__________ single decay then off
4 /|_________ single attack then off
8 \|\|\|\|\|\ repeated decay
9 \__________ single decay then off
10 \/\/\/\/\/\ repeated decay-attack
11 \| single decay then hold
12 /|/|/|/|/|/ repeated attack
13 / single attack then hold
14 /\/\/\/\/\/ repeated attack-decay
15 /|_________ single attack then off
Pitch values
The course and fine pitch registers for each channel are used in the
following fashion (assuming channel A):
Registers 0 and 1 operate together to form channel A's final pitch. The eight
least significant bits are sent to register 0 and the four most significant
bits are sent to register 1. The output frequency is equal to the IC's
incoming clock frequency divided by 16 and then further divided by the number
written to the course and fine pitch registers, so the higher the number
written to these, the lower the pitch. For example, if a frequency of 1KHz
was required and the IC's clock frequency was 1MHz, a total division rate
of 1000 would be needed. The sound generator itself divides by 16 so the
course and fine pitch registers must provide a further division by 62.5 (due
to the fact that 1000/16 is 62.5). A division rate of 62 or 63 will be
accurate enough, since the registers can only store whole numbers. Therefore,
62 or 63 would be written to register 0 and 0 would be written to register