oday my father build a interface from Slovak paper magazine ATARIX - RAMdisk activity checker.. But somethings is wrong.. The Atari have 4x OS, three working OK, but one working incorectly - DOS 2.5 hmm.


when i turn off atari and turn on about 15h later, it's working OK, but only 10-15 minutes

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


schematics would be far better source of information than youtube movie...

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ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


it could be replaced by a single transistor, but that is not of any concern regarding Your problem
i don't see any connection to 4 os in one upgrade

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4x os upgrade was realised in 1989 maybe.. :
http://atari8.podstromami.com/wp-conten … ppa/33.jpg

i try replace tranzistor..

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


wtf is this thing in the middle?


that's isolated connection.. i dont know, it's veeery old upgrade..

http://atari8.podstromami.com/photo-gal … p;photo=32
http://atari8.podstromami.com/photo-gal … p;photo=16
http://atari8.podstromami.com/photo-gal … p;photo=12
http://atari8.podstromami.com/photo-gal … p;photo=13
http://atari8.podstromami.com/photo-gal … p;photo=14
http://atari8.podstromami.com/photo-gal … p;photo=15

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


rzeźnia !!!!

serdecznie proszę o maile na lotharek@lotharek.pl z tematem ATARIAREA - inne formy komunikacji zawodzą...
"The worth of all people is dependent on how they spend their life making contributions" - Kano Jigoro
FKMC /Fan Klub Malej Czarnej/   @Grey


lotharek, can you translate that word to english? :)

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


house of slaughtered animals :D

Press play on tape...


or simply slaughterhouse...
so under that cloth 320kb expansion controller resides, nice... but why it needs so many isostats? hard to judge, since pictures for schematics of it are a bit unreadable
what would be the point of replacing resistor? to make led lit lighter or darker?
what kind of chip (exact part number) was used to build that "extension"?

przechodze na tumiwisizm


that LED controlled is like HDD controler on PC - blinked on activity.. and this is too same, blinking on RAMdisk activity.. but here not blinking, only light and i cant init RAMdisk..

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


that led show only status of one bit of portb (PB4)
if its constantly lit, then you've short on pb4 line

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yes, but working not correctly..

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


1. Why to use NAND + NAND combination instead of single NAND .. blinking LED means activity.
2. How it should work ? as I know from this schematics LED should be powered from pin 8 (gate 3 out) and via R connected to ground.
    I do not see grounding anywhere. LED is connected to 5V and the ground seems to be oddly done via low state of gate 3 but then
    the direction of current for LED is IMHO wrong and output of gate should not powered.
3. Connect PB4 to both IN of gate 4 (12,13) and LED to its  OUT (pin 11) and the other end of LED directly to ground via resistor.

Maybe activity checker + your memory/os upgrade draws to much power from PB4 and therefore computer freezes ?

16 Ostatnio edytowany przez w1k (2009-12-29 11:53:05)

i connect led to GROUND and my atari began to smoke..


ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


w1k, have You any idea what You're doing?
you've connected ground to the led? on which side?
on side of permanent +5V?
congratulations for You - follow any advice You get on internet forum without any thoughts about it and Your life will be short, but at least adventurous...

Fortunatly for You disaster You've made will end on replacing some choke on the board, depending on where You took that 5V line from

przechodze na tumiwisizm


Your life will be short, but at least adventurous...Cytat miesiaca..zapisuje do swoich złotych myśli

serdecznie proszę o maile na lotharek@lotharek.pl z tematem ATARIAREA - inne formy komunikacji zawodzą...
"The worth of all people is dependent on how they spend their life making contributions" - Kano Jigoro
FKMC /Fan Klub Malej Czarnej/   @Grey


Candle napisał/a:

w1k, have You any idea what You're doing?
you've connected ground to the led? on which side?
on side of permanent +5V?
congratulations for You - follow any advice You get on internet forum without any thoughts about it and Your life will be short, but at least adventurous...

Fortunatly for You disaster You've made will end on replacing some choke on the board, depending on where You took that 5V line from

my father build that connection (with image).. and that it's not working correctly.. than I ask to slovak/czech atarians and one write to me:

"Z toho chování usuzuju, že připojením toho bufferu pro LED ti ten signál začal
díky odběru vstupu toho brouka cestovat. Dej tam 33k odpor proti napájení, pak
by to mělo začít chodit.

Odpor na vstupu! Tedy přímo na pinu 14 toho PIA. "

USE 33K for connection, on 14 pin on PIA..

i try it, but not working.. father remove that 33k and atari going smoke.. sorry for my english

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


see: http://www.google.pl/imgres?imgurl=http … CBwQ9QEwBQ

PIN 14 is Vcc for 74LS00 so diode (-) is connected to power not to ground. I think that insted of pin 14 diode should be connectetd to pin 7 which
means ground. Probably, I repat probably,  74LS00 goes crazy when you connect output pin 8 (gate 3Y) to power and then fools PIA chip.


weel I find this
In this schema is probably error : This LED DIODE should be connected on the pin no 7 in 74LS00.

If two people say that something is probably is must be true :-)
let's check it :-)


14 pin of PIA is what? it's about extend memory, is'n it? 14 pin syndicate extend memory..

what is it 8 pin?

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel

23 Ostatnio edytowany przez BartoszP (2009-12-29 22:54:29)

8th pin of 74LS00 is twice inverted value of pin 14 of PIA so it should  equal to value of it (with some skew as it passes two gates).
This pin no 8 is output of 74LS00 NAND gate so it should be not connected to power (Vcc) as it is connected now to pin 14 of 74LS00 via diode and resistor . IMHO you ought to disconnect diode from pin 14th of 74LS00 and connect to pin 7 which should be connected already to ground.

(74LS00 pin 8) ----[=resistor=]------>|------- ground (could be pin 7 of 74LS00 if it is already connected to ground)


ok.. my dad have question..

how work 14 pin in PIA? what's signalizing?
dad says it's irrelevant what pin is connected..

why LED diod in 14 pin lights/blinking?

ATARI 800XE - u1mb, pokeymax4, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, a8 pico sio, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers. ATARI 800XE - 2xos (XL OS, Q-MEG), ATARI 800XE stock
my youtube channel


pin #14 is PB4, when low, CPU has access to extended ram
on your schematics there are two gates used to amplify signal from PB4 (pin 14) to suffice power requirements for driving a led
its true, that this led is drawn in wrong direction, but instead of connecting it  to pin 7 instead of pin 14 of 74ls00 chip, you should swap pins on that diode
so it litteraly should be drawn facing opposite side than it is now

if you do what my predcessors wrote, you'll end up with something indicating when extended ram is NOT used

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