Candle napisał/a:w1k, have You any idea what You're doing?
you've connected ground to the led? on which side?
on side of permanent +5V?
congratulations for You - follow any advice You get on internet forum without any thoughts about it and Your life will be short, but at least adventurous...
Fortunatly for You disaster You've made will end on replacing some choke on the board, depending on where You took that 5V line from
my father build that connection (with image).. and that it's not working correctly.. than I ask to slovak/czech atarians and one write to me:
"Z toho chování usuzuju, e připojením toho bufferu pro LED ti ten signál začal
díky odběru vstupu toho brouka cestovat. Dej tam 33k odpor proti napájení, pak
by to mělo začít chodit.
Odpor na vstupu! Tedy přímo na pinu 14 toho PIA. "
USE 33K for connection, on 14 pin on PIA..
i try it, but not working.. father remove that 33k and atari going smoke.. sorry for my english
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