Jeśli chodzi o emulacje może was zainteresować ta stronka  :http://www.jaapan.de/extern/emulate3.htm

ATARI 800XL/65XE/800XE/520STm/Mega2/520STe/FALCON 030 14MB RAM Roland MT32 i wiele innych zabawek :)


"Amiga PC1000 is an Amiga emulator - that's what the manual says. I have doubts that this a real emulator because it requires two disk drives (the second one is used as a Amiga drive which is impossible!) and a blitter which was announced but not integrated in any ST in 1986 - the year of this programs release. The manual claims that the virtual Amiga is faster than a real one. If you are looking for a real Amiga emulator install Linux and UAE. Amiga PC1000 was published in a German PD library. I haven't found it on a FTP server"

ma ktoś może? :)
