vga - 320x200 w chunky to 64kb, sporo czasu musialby zwykly 6502 wypelniac taki obszar gdyby w nim rysował
a jak przelanczalby obszar 64kb dla karty, animacja jak z Anticiem "przerzucajac kartki" nie udalyby sie
Tutaj napisali o wplywie czestotliwosci na rozdzielczosc:
The color signal oscillates at a constant rate of about 3.579 MHz, thus defining the highest horizontal color resolution of a television set. This appears on the screen in the form of 160 visible color cycles across one scan line. (There are actually 228 color cycles including the horizontal blank and sync, and any overscan.)
The term "color clock" refers to one color cycle and is the term generally used throughout the ATARI documentation to describe units of measurement across the screen. The graphics mode 7 is an example of one color clock resolution, where each color clock pixel can be a different color. (There are microprocessor limitations though.)
Atari also offers a "high resolution" mode (GRAPHICS 8) that displays 320 pixels across one line. This is generated by varying the amplitude of the luminance signal at about 7.16 MHz, which is twice the color frequency.
Czyli jakby zmienic amplitude i czestotliowsc (frequency) to wyszlaby wyzsza rozdzielczoc z wieksza liczba kolorow :)?
A tutaj
The Atari 5200 is essentially a console version of the Atari 8-bit
Computers (400/800, XL, XE, XEGS). The functions of the system are
divided up between four major IC chips:
The CPU in the 5200 is a modified 6502 processor. The only
difference is that Atari's version of this CPU has some extra
hardware on board that allows the ANTIC chip to take over the bus to
do Direct Memory Access (DMA).
To w 5200 Antic ma lepszy dostep do pamieci niz w XE/XL ?
Nie wiedzialem tez ze Alan Alda reklamowal Atari400 (gosc z serialu Mash) … eries.html
A tutaj uklad ktory zastepuje Antic i GTIA -> CGIA … w/cgia.htm
Na tej samej stronie opis ANTIC-a, GTIA i innych, ANTIC jest chroniony patentem w stanach :)
tu klikać - link był za długi więc biedny moderator musi poprawiać
A tutaj dokladny schemat Freddiego[/url]
*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C