Hello atarians..
Can i save my eprom to binary file? i have three other cartridges in my atari (3x eprom).. switching buttons i can load one of that three carts..

Is it possible?

ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers
my youtube channel



Did you mean that you want dump content of your cartridge to a executable file?

In some cases it is possible (for example simple 8K and 16K carts without any bank switching). But if the cart uses some scheme of bank switching technique (by access to the $D500-$D5FF area) It's more complicated.


yes.. dump content of cartridge to file.. but that is internat 8kb cartridges flash in eprom..

http://podstromami.com/galleries/atari8 … C_0064.jpg
http://podstromami.com/galleries/atari8 … C_0065.jpg
http://podstromami.com/galleries/atari8 … C_0067.jpg
http://podstromami.com/galleries/atari8 … C_0068.jpg

ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers
my youtube channel


Dump of those type of carts to executable file is possible. There are several methods for doing this.

The best but the most sophisticated method is to remove flash/eprom memory from the cartridge and put it into a external memory programmer/reader to get the memory contents. After this operation we  have a binary file with contents of EPROM/FLASH memory from cartridge. Next step is to prepare a special loader or a small program that can load those file into memory and run it.

I do it before, here is example: http://atariarea.krap.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5841

Or maybe if you have already the contents of the FLASH/EPROM, I can try to prepare the loader/runner for those.

If you don't have the contents of the FLASH/EPROM in file and you don't have any chance to remove the memory chip from cart there is possibility to write a little program that can dump the cart. The program must work in special way. You must plug the cartridge when computer is on and dump-program is running. This method is risky in some way but this method work to.

Some time ago I started the cartridge dumper project but the lack of time stops progress in my project. Here is some screen-shots from this unfinished project:

http://seban.slight.pl/aa/dumper1.png http://seban.slight.pl/aa/dumper2.png

This project was inspired by Nosty, he have some strange extremely rare Arabic cartridge ;) So the inspiration was started here: http://atariarea.krap.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5085
Maybe in the future I can finish that project, but I think in nowadays it's not very useful for people.

The QMEG OS (http://atariki.krap.pl/index.php/QMEG_OS) can help to dump the cartridge too, but when you use the QMEG you must done some things by hand. You can take control over the cartridge and save the cartridge areas to disk by integrated MLM.

5 Ostatnio edytowany przez nosty (2009-05-04 23:55:55)

Ha! Could You share your dumper? I still have three Arabic cartridges ready for dump ;)