
Is there someone interested in finishing the LUNIX port to Atari 8-bit. There is one but doesn't fully work. All sources are free for download.

LUNIX is also ported to the APPLE II. It supports TCP/IP, PPP, SLIP and FTP even a small web-server...


Latest version is 0.20


Some features of LUNIX:

Preemptive multitasking (up to 32 tasks, 7 priorities)
Dynamic memory management (in chunks of 256 or 32 bytes)
Runtime code relocation
IPC (inter process communication) through pipes
IPC through signals
(minimal) REU support
SCPU compatible
Hardware stack swapping (C128 only)
256K RAM C128 compatible
>30 standard applications available
Support for standard RS232 userport interface
Support for swiftlink RS232 interface
Virtual consoles
Hardware accelerated 80 columns console on C128 in C64 mode
Native C128 version available
(simple) command shell (with history function)
Support for CBM (IEC bus) devices (e.g. 1541)
Open source, comes with all needed (cross-) development tools
Widely configurable for your needs
LNG can be terminal and terminal server (RS232)
Support for SLIP packet encapsulation over serial links
Support for PPP (packet encapsulation) over serial links
Loop back packet driver for off-line client-server trials
TCP/IP stack (and clients for telnet, ftp and pop3  )
A simple web server (experimental) 
Support for the DFC77 receiver (radio-transmitted time signal in europe/germany)
Support for the Smart Watch Chip (another real time clock)
Support for IDE64 RTC 
Support for IEC bus via 64net/2 
Support for o65 object format (experimental) 
Online help system


woow, macgyver to jest cos dla Ciebie

*- TeBe/Madteam
3x Atari 130XE, SDX, CPU 65816, 2x VBXE, 2x IDE Plus rev. C