To those working on SpartaDOS X Upgrade Project, ( @drac030 et al )
There are now more than 5,000 FujiNet devices out there.
These devices work with the majority of available Atari DOSes.
While SpartaDOS X can use the virtual disks (D:) and printers (P:) exposed, the CLI can't talk to "N:" via the NDEV.COM handler, which is the Network device, because it conflicts with one of the disk drive mappings.
While SDX can use the N* command line tools to do things like copy files (these tools talk to SIOV directly), this is less than ideal.
So one of two things should happen:
(1) patch SDX so that N: is passed through as a CIO device, when NDEV.COM is loaded.
(2) write a kernel driver to expose N: functions to SDX.
For the latter, the source code to the N: handler is here:
I've asked this before, but dozens of people have now asked me over the last four years for how to handle this.