With many of my prior games, I have them check the PAL register, and with NTSC, it adds a delay every 6 frames. That is so, game run about the same speed with both Pal and NTSC versions. Starting with Venture developed back in 2010, one of the decisions about games from that point forward was they will be able to run on both PAL and NTSC at the same speed. There are two processes I used, one was to have a counter, that counts down 5 to 0 with a 6502 DEC instruction. If it trips the 6502 NEG flag with a value 255, it resets to 5 and pauses one frame. The other process is read the low 3 bits of clock, if all 0, delay, created a 1/8th delay on NTSC systems, runs slightly faster on NTSC machines. Since the frame rate on PAL displays is slower, any anomalies caused by multiplexing the player/missile graphics is more unnoticeable on PAL machines. VBIs and DLIs are able to change the registers before the electron beam refreshes points on the screen.
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Rogul 1.0f Poprawki i nowe funkcje
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