(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprawy atari.area)

Ok, i mean not your complete Site should be translate :).i described that somewhat unfortunately. The most interessting Section for the people of other countrys is the very good Files/Download Section i think. Especialy the "Programy uzytkowe". I never found so good, helpfull and actuall Software like on your Site.


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprawy atari.area)

im from Germany and the atari.area Site is one of the Best(perhaps the Best) Site for ATARI 800XL i found in the Internet. The look and presentation is very good and the best of all is the very good Software Collection. Especially that here i found new Software.

But the problem for all Atari Friends out of Poland is, that we are carnt the polish language :rolleyes:. I hope sometime you can make a translation in english, so that all Atari Fans have something from this very good Site.
Greetings, Falk.


(2 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprawy atari.area)

Allright and Sorry. :rolleyes:


(2 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprawy atari.area)

i found your Charts Download Area very very good and so i registered me on your Website. But if i wanne click to download the Files it comes:

Witaj zombie1 !

Niestety nie mozesz glosowac na ta liste poniewaz nie uplynelo jeszcze 12 godzin od twojego ostatniego glosu - bedziesz mogl glosowac juz za 43128 sekund :)

UWAGA ! Jesli jeszcze raz zobacze osobe glosujaca ciagle na jedna pozycje, notorycznie lamiacea regulamin, posiadajaca host *.ipartners.pl to ... zostanie nagrodzona dozywotnim uwolnieniem od ogladania aarea oraz forum.

My Problem: I carnt the polish language  :oops: and i dont know what  i do wrong ??
Must i wat 40000 seconds for download? This are 10 Houres?

Thanks for Help.