(12 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 16/32bit)

Many thanks for the info and the quick reply. A pity that the PIC is already filled. I guess I will have to hunt a working Mega ST keyboard down sometime :)
And thanks again for your work, it improved the Eiffel very much.


(12 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 16/32bit)

Mq napisał/a:

Oryginalne oprogramowanie mikrokontrolera PIC interfejsu Eiffel ma przypadłość taką, że niestety w niektórych grach nie działa fire joysticka podpiętego pod port 1 joysticka.

Many thanks for the updated firmware and apologies that I write in English, as I don't speak Polish. I noticed that some games still seem to have the same right-mouse-button issue that is solved in others by the new firmware. It is the games by Steve Bak (Goldrunner, Goldrunner 2, Return to Genesis). In all these games the right mouse button works as the firebutton while it does not work on the joystick. I wonder if there could be any way to fix this.