(11 odpowiedzi, napisanych Programowanie - 8 bit)


i tu jest moj "lama" stereo tester ;)

dziala na wszystkich mojich komputerach (4) i AtariWin Plus 4.0

dajcie znac, jak dziala u wasz

Czesc Electron,

jak by chciales, moge zrobic taka stronke i ze subdomena vbxe.atari.sk :)

daj znacz


(31 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

dely: wynajęcie sali placi sponsor - i nagrody placi sponsor!!!! jak juz pisalem - wsystkie pienądze będą dla CASH...tego roku bylo na noise tylko jedno demko i wsystkie pienądze (CASH) wygrala grupa Evolution!!!


(31 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

tylko 9-10 ludzi, co są chętny??? :)

Dely: jeśli będzie QP / LL to Noise 2007 nie będzie!

Pin: jak będzie Noise 2007, to będą  zniżky - tansze wejsciowki dla uczestników Forever8, QP, ...

Pin: jak będzie Noise 2007, to będą SUPER nagrody (na Noise 2006 byly: 17"LCD, 2x1GB MP3player, 2x128kB MP3player, 9xEiffell, 44.1kHz DSP clock, 120GB HDD, CD/DVD-RW, ..., ..., ... ;)

Pin: wejsciowki nie są  dla nas!!! wsystkie pienądze będą na wyplacenie (jako nagrody) - cach! Wsystko dla tego, żeby byla motywacia dla ludzi zrobić coś fajne do compos :)

Pin: widziałeś fotky z Noise 2006??? http://krupkaj.wz.cz/showpic.php?show=Noise&obr=24 - i to wsystko bylo free dla wsystkych uczestników Noise + bowling + special Noise koszulky + ...

Sikor: niejest problem, nocleg w pobliżu da się załatwić

Dracon: 2007!!! nie 2006 :)

Dely: tego roku juz nedame radę :( bo naś sponsor jest chętny tylko next year


jest tu taka "fast question": jak VanEijk nie bedzie organizowac QP 2007, jest tu mozliwosc zorganizovac Noise 2007 w tradicijnom terminie QP (3.-5. August 2007, Kosice /Slowacia, http://noise.atari.sk). jest ktos chentny??? jakies opinie???


(88 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

i ja będę (100%)...i MiKro(100%)...i Baky(95%)...i Sedma(70%)


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)


just a little update: you can contribute (and compete for prizes) even when you don't visit Noise! Yes, even for that 17" LCD :) You have to follow these rules:

1. your contribution have to be received until sunday 08:00 A.M.
2. you have to find someone at the party who will bring (possible) prize to you
3. you can send that contribution to noise@atari.org or to give it someone who will visit Noise



(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)


Noise - Easter Atari demoparty - juz za tydzień!!!

Party odbędzie się v dniach 14. - 18. 4. 2006 (Kosice/Slowacia). Impreza potrwa 4 dni.

Proszę wsystkich ktorzy przyjeżdżają aby się wpisali na lista gości. I też wsystkich którzy będą tylko wysylac coz do konkursow.

Compa będą dla wsystke 3 platformy: mała atarka (XL/XE), ST/STE i Falcon 030/060

można zarezerwować VGA monitor, lub TV!!!

więcej detali na: http://noise.atari.sk

Zapraszam wszystkich serdecznie!

p.s.: sorry for my lame Polish


(18 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

na party place nezostało nic takiego jako zasilacz do laptopa :(


(1 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

[ Noisy Reminder ]

Hi girls and guys!

We've got some surprises for you.

We really enjoy visiting various demoparties and we like active sceners who
also visit the same parties as we do. So, for this reason we decided to
support this people who attended some of the our chosen party by LOWER

We decided to offer lower entrance fee for all of you who attended (payed
entrance fee) at these demoparties:

Outline 2005: 12 Euros (for keeping tradition)

QuaST Party 2005: 9 Euros (probably our most favorite party where we always
meet the nicest people)

Forever 2e3 2006: 3 Euros (8-bit party where we meet the coolest Atari
XE/XL, C64 and ZX maniacs)

As you can see the more present party you visit the lower entrance fee you
get. Also please note if you want to visit both Forever and Noise you will
pay FEWER money as at standalone visit of Noise party.

This privilege fee applies for one person only and for all four days of
Noise party duration.

ALL the money we'll get from entrance fee will be used for (and only for)
PRIZES in the each competition where the division will look as follows:

Falcon compos: 40% of overall the sum (for the first place we guarant at least
100 Euros)

ST compos: 20% of the overall sum (for the first place we guarant at least 50

XL/XE compos: 30% the of overall sum (for the first place we guarant at least 80

WARNING! In the each competition will be ofcourse more prizes by our
sponsors... and this is not the end, we've got some surprises still
hidden... stay tuned...

Yours Noisy Team.


(13 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)


so, some remarks:

- it´s of course easter party, but eastern too :)

- 15 euros: but it´s for 4 days... but let´s go at quast, there could be some surprise from us in this way.. :)

- and since i´m lazy to copy and paste all this stuff two times, let´s look at dhs.nu, demoscene bbs, there´s a discussion about this party..


(13 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

Hi all,

after a few comments about this topic at dhs.nu it seems discussion went nowhere again. Nobody from Germany, France, Netherlands, ... seems to be interested in organisation of Atari eastern demoparty but since WE WANT SOME ONE, here's our offer:

We're able to organize traditional Atari eastern demoparty, this time in Slovakia, for all Atari machines (from 8bit to Falcon)

We're able to provide:
- party place for 50-150 ppl (sleeping room + simple kitchen inclusive)
- technical stuff (beamer(s), professional audio aparature, ethernet switches, internet connectivity ...)
- social facilities (showers, WCs - for men and women)
- ofcourse classic things like pizza delivery service, hyper/super markets near the party place, optional breakfast menu for a little money etc...
- in case of "good" amount of visitors we can offer some "extras" like room for movies watching or some trip (Kosice city, some castle, ...)
- some funny competitions and surprises
- cheap beer and beautiful girls ;-)
- all in all, we're open to ANY your ideas/opinions - just let us know, we can provide nearly anything ;)

Since we want to organise DEMO party, there will be some prizes. We are able to invest around 2500 Euros for prizes (hardware-like mainly: LCDs, DVD writers, HDDs, USB keys, ...) and organisation (party place etc)

The place to be is Kosice (Slovakia - NOT Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland and so on ;). It's the second biggest city in Slovakia, located at the east of our country. There is a train/car/plane connection.

Party entrance will be MAX 15 Euros for four days (from friday/thursday afternoon to monday). That reminds me - in Slovakia is everything MUCH cheaper than in western coutries - you'll be kindly surprised (but yes, we're in EU ;)

We expect from you:
- at least 50 visitors (with own machines welcomed)
- decent entries in all common competitions (there will be for sure music/gfx/demo/intro for 8bit, ST, Falcon - more on this later)
- definite promise (remember this year's outline - online pool and reality was pretty big difference)

We're looking for your reactions/opinions...

Xi/Satantronic, MiKRO/Mystic Bytes and whole Slovakian Atari staff.

P.S. There will be probably some www about this topic (online pre-registration, more details etc) - but we need your lifesign!
P.P.S. We mean this really seriously. We've got promised sponsorship for prizes and party place so money isn't the _main_ issue. The main issue is your interest.
P.P.S. For some personal stuff you can write Xi/Satantronic: xi@napri.sk


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

Slowacia tez chce Ornety... :)


(20 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

Czesc chlopaky, wszystkie Atari resultsy i downloady juz jest na: atari.sk/forever

Moje wielkie dzienky dla wszystkych co sie dowalili na Forever... ;)



(32 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

ja i Dodo i Mikro i wiele inych uzywame ATMAS 4

MM: Xi, skroc podpis. 3 linijki max!


(27 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

tri dni sme sa spolu smiali,
tri dni spolu zabavali,
tri dni sme spolu xlastali,
len tri dni sme ho poznali,
navzdy nam bude chybat lebo len ti najlepsi zomieraju mlady...

three days we laughed together,
three days we had a fun together,
three days we drinked together,
but only three days we knew him,
we will miss him forever because only the best are dying young...

Elan, Mikro, -XI-


(173 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

ja tez chyba przyjade... :)




(5 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 16/32bit)

new version of this cool Falcon demo now will support VGA and accelerators (now tested with Phantom and CT2)...it will be released in next days...for more information please visit www.atari.sk



(25 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

czesc chlopaky...
dzieky dla wsystkych co byli na Foreverze za badzo dobry klimat...
i juz tu jest cos do sciagnania, jakies screenshoty i unoficial results...
wsystko to jest na:
www.atari.sk (forever)


(35 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Hmmm chcialbym sobie poczytac jakies invitro, regulamin compotow czy jak dojechac. Cokolwiek..   ale nie moge sie nigdzie dogrzebac. na url'u ktory podal XI nie ma zadnego info albo ja nie potrafie znalezc.  Jedyny link jaki znalazlem ... 404 ...

info o party (i jak dojechac): http://www.forever.sk/info.php
regulamin compotow: http://www.atari.sk/forever/Atari08.txt
online visitors list: http://www.forever.sk/fvl/


(35 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)


najwieksza, tylko 8-bit party v Europe odbyjesie v dnach 14.-16.Marzec.2003 jak zwykom: Trencin/Slowacia
wejsciowka: 25,00 zł (250 Sk)
i co za to: BIG big screen ;), sleeping room, kompoty (+ crazy i realtime), party 3 dni, 80-100 osob, kultowy klimat,...
bedzie mozna kupic specjalne koszulki z logiem Atari + ...


ps: jak jest jakies pytanie to e-mail do mna jest: xi@napri.sk
ps2: sorry for my lame Polish ;)