Hi Peter J. Meyer, remember me, it's Albert! Oh, of course you do, you've been spewing vile and libel about myself, AtariAge, and various members of AtariAge ever since you were booted from AtariAge in 2019!
Welcome to another forum where you signed up under false pretenses! As well as attempting to create fake accounts, but the forum admin caught you out and forced you to use your real name/handle. Let's start with your claim that you voluntarily changed your username here:
Peter napisał/a:I decided to make the request myself to change my screen name with the admin here. I decided it was best to let FlashJazzCat to see who he really were talking to here.
LIAR! The forum admin was kind enough to point out that you even lied about this. Not a surprise, though, I guess it's hard to keep track of all the accounts you create on various forums and, especially, on Facebook.
For anyone not aware, this is a repeating pattern for Peter over the last decade. Seriously. Years ago I caught Peter using fake accounts on AtariAge to pimp his own games (in threads where Peter was also using his primary account), as well as attack his critics. At one point I warned Peter that if he continued to do this, I would ban his account.
Well, fast forward to December 2018, and I caught Peter doing this again. At this point I was completely fed up with his behavior, so I permanently banned him in January 2019. I explained this in a public post on AtariAge here:
https://forums.atariage.com/topic/11040 … nt-4194599
If you look at the above post, you can see that Peter had created multiple accounts, and it was fairly trivial to tie them all together. Amazingly, the email address used for one of these accounts was the same email that Peter used to send Jon an email very recently (with a fake name, of course), as Jon detailed in an earlier message.
Immediately after his ban on AtariAge, he tried to create even more accounts. Those attempts were stymied, and he was not able to get back on at that time. Not long after this, I received confirmation that Peter had also created multiple accounts on the Atari.io forum, and those were also removed. Peter had begun badmouthing AtariAge on Atari.io and on Facebook as well.
And, as he was doing on AtariAge and elsewhere, Peter started creating fake sock puppet accounts on Facebook. He began using these accounts to attack AtariAge, myself, and others, and it was easy to see these accounts belonged to him. This behavior resulted in his getting removed from many Facebook groups he was active in. This did not slow Peter down at all. He continued to create fake accounts on Facebook to attempt to get around bans, and at one point started using these accounts to harass people. He would send people DMs on Faceobook using them, and he would make various posts on the walls of these accounts attacking AtariAge and his various perceived enemies.
This continues to be the case in the present, as Peter actively manages several sock puppet accounts on Facebook. He has friended many people in the retro gaming hobby with these accounts, and these people have no clue that they are interacting with fake accounts run by Peter J. Meyer. He uses these accounts to write terrible things that he might not write with his own personal account, although as you'll see below, he also writes terrible things with his primary account. He uses them to send people harassment via DMs. He's even used at least one of these accounts as a moderator in his own 6502 programming group on Faceebook. We know he has several different accounts in the Jaguar Sector III Facebook group which is run by Kieren Hawken, another individual who has mostly been ostracized from the hobby for his prolific work as a troll and pathological liar over the years, so of course they are buddies.
We have documented over 20 different Facebook accounts Peter has created. Some of these accounts he periodically takes offline briefly, renames them, gives them new cover photos and profile photos, new Facebook URLs, and then brings them back online. But many of the photos and posts remain the same, and existing public posts with these accounts suddenly have a new name, so they are easy to track.
Peter has admitted many times that he creates fake accounts, but claims he is using them to "monitor" others (like you really need different accounts to do that?), or for other reasons that don't justify their creation. And nearly every single time this comes up he claims that he hasn't been doing this in the last year, or two years, or three years. But these statements are flat out lies, as Peter continues to use fake accounts to this very day.
To demonstrate Peter's character, here's part of a public post he made in July of last year, knowing Sal Esquival was not in the best of health. Sal is someone he previously worked with to develop games for the Atari 8-bit computers, and they had a falling out at one point. Peter's spent a lot of time grousing about Sal, but this really takes the cake:
For those who do not know, Sal recently passed away. I spoke to Sal on and off over the past few years, most recently about the music he created for an Atari 8-bit port of Outrun, which he was very excited about. Sal also shared with me all the harassment Peter was dishing out in his direction, especially in the form of emails which he'd routinely send Sal, usually with fictional names and a variety of email addresses. Sal gave me permission to share all of this publicly, which will be done soon (see below).
Here's a post on Facebook that Peter made today:

Let me respond to a few of Peter's comments.
Peter napisał/a:What I found disturbing is a member with screen name of "Shawn" believes mentioning my games are unwelcomed because I was banned...I know he is biased aginst myself and Lance, ..."
You're right, you were rightfully banned for creating multiple accounts, after being warned repeatedly not to do so. I also do not want your games discussed on AtariAge. Not only because you were banned, but because you have repeatedly spewed lies against myself, AtariAge, and others. Why should we reward that behavior by allowing your games to be discussed on the very forum you were banned from and continue to attack?
Peter napisał/a:...and is an enforcer for the guy that runs the show other there.
Nobody is an enforcer for me. Take responsibility for your own actions that cause people to look at you in a negative light. You only have yourself to blame here. Shawn calls it like it is and is very frank about how he feels.
Peter napisał/a:I know people over there have been trying to drive us out of the Atari scene and out of business.
Nobody is trying to drive you out of business, but again, don't be shocked that, due to your own actions, you have been banned from various forums and Facebook groups over the years. Again, this is entirely your own doing. How surprising that people don't want to deal with someone who has demonstrated he is incapable of using forums or Facebook without creating multiple accounts. That he cannot take responsibility for why he was banned from AtariAge or various Facebook groups. It's always someone else's fault. Always the thugs and bullies, when in reality, it is you who are bullying others.
Peter napisał/a:This is happening while I am making an effort not to continue using "sock puppet" accounts to promote my games.
You and your weasel words, "making an effort", LMFAO, obviously your effort is failing, as you continue to use fake accounts on Facebook, and the Atari.Area forum is just the latest example where you were caught attempting to make multiple accounts, as clearly stated by the forum admin above. If you were honestly trying to "make an effort not to continue using sock puppet accounts", all you have to do is DELETE THE ACCOUNTS. But, no, you continue using them. Maybe you're not often using them to promote your games, but you sure as hell are using them to attack your perceived enemies with public posts made by these accounts, private DMs sent to people, and of course, hiding behind aliases to send hateful emails to people. As well as to get around bans in various Facebook groups (which pretty much ensures you will not get back into those groups with your primary account). This is what a coward does.
Peter always plays the victim, claiming that he's been bullied by "thugs" on AtariAge, yet he has never shown any actual evidence of his claims. He's upset because people were reporting issues and giving feedback about his games, trying to help him improve them. But apparently Peter believes that is "bullying". He's also lied about why he was banned from AtariAge, rather than accept he was banned for creating multiple fake accounts over a period of years (and I was rather lenient with him on that front, in hindsight I should have banned him sooner).
Peter is a liar, and his word cannot be trusted. Peter is a coward, as shown by his continually hiding behind fake accounts to attack others. Until Peter apologizes for his actions, retracts the libel he's stated about myself, AtariAge, Jon Halliday, and others in the hobby over the years, removes any active fake accounts he's created on Facebook and elsewhere, and demonstrates over time that he is no longer using such accounts, we will continue to expose Peter's behavior, whether he likes it or not.
Peter, you are the bully. You are the thug. You are the one harassing people, and apparently spending a great deal of time doing so. The only reason we have our eyes trained on you at all is because you continue to use fake accounts to circumvent bans, to attack and spread lies people, and to shill your own games. It's astounding how much time you spend doing this, rather than focusing your energies on making games, which all of us would rather see you do than spending an inordinate amount of time hiding behind fake accounts being the bully you accuse everyone else of being.
As it seems you have no intention of curtailing your behavior, myself and several members of the community have been using a private forum on AtariAge to document all of your fake accounts in detail, linking them all back to you, as well as the many hateful and untrue things you have been posting with these accounts and your real account. Expect to see this all open to the public soon, including well over a thousand screenshots of Facebook posts and comments made by you and your sock puppets, private emails you've sent to Jon, Sal Esquival, and others, DMs and private messages you've sent to others, and so forth. People will be absolutely floored at how busy you've been on all these fronts over the past several years.
Here's a small snippet of what you can expect:

You are about to be exposed for the fraud that you are.