(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I was copying and pasting text over, and left some sentences in by accident.

Sure you did.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I do not create these threats just for attention

LOL, even though this is (surely) a typo, it certainly is appropriate given your behavior over the past four years.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I do feel remorse over someone's passing, and was disappointed about his separation about his departure with Video61 a few years ago.

Peter, can't you just learn how to tell the truth?  Or is lying so natural to you that you don't even think about doing it?  Of course you have changed your tune now that you've been called out on your previous (and numerous) comments about Sal.  Your above statement is opposite of what you have posted publicly.  Even on this very forum! 


PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Some stuff happened after he left, and this is not the place to discuss that. As long as things return to a more civil state, I will not be listing what he did on Facebook either.

You just do not know when to shut the hell up.  And your actions are the single reason things with you are not in a civil state.



(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I am aware of  problems with older labels. The Tempest Xtreme labels were done by Sal, who was at the time middleman between myself and Video61

Blame Sal, who cannot defend himself.  So, did Sal also help with all the labels for the games that came later where he wasn't involved at all?   No, he didn't. 

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I tried to discuss this with my Facebook group a few years ago, and many thought I was stirring up drama over nothing.

LOL, you, stirring up drama?  Imagine that.



(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I never posted these statements. After Sal passed away, I made a memorial post on my Facebook group that acknowledged his work on Tempest Xtreme and Venture.
I did make a statement that Video61 and myself had a good working relationship after Sal parted ways back in 2015.

Bullshit, you most certainly did make those statements, maybe not exactly in those words, but that sure as hell was the sentiment you were expressing.  That "memorial" you posted was just you covering your ass, you obviously feel no remorse about his death.  Here's one in case others didn't see it in one of the previous threads you infected (I do have the complete Facebook post with your name sitting at the top if anyone doesn't believe this is genuine):


Also, let's not forget how you snuck back onto AtariAge in 2021, posting two public attacks against Sal, as long as a private message you sent him.




Oh yeah, is that not enough?  How about all the harassing emails you sent Sal over the past few years?  Which you even admitted to doing in the first image I posted above! Here's just one example from February 2022, and you even described how you can "mess with" people by changing the names and Facebook URLs of your fake Facebook accounts:


There's many more where that came from.  Not to mention various statements you've made ON THIS VERY FORUM attacking Sal, and I know you revised the last such statement after people called you out about it in this same thread.

Just stop lying already.



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

Hi Peter! 

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Now, what is going on with Donald Stanley?


Go for it, Peter.  The screenshot above shows you reacting using the Donald Stanley account. 

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

This must be a full time for Albert.

Nope, and it's not just myself looking at all your Facebook accounts.  I guarantee I spend a tiny fraction of my time looking at your stupidity on Facebook and elsewhere, compared to the amount of time you spend managing your various accounts and bothering others with them.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Again, where is proof that Donald is doing something to someone?

You can read about it on AtariAge along with everyone else.

"PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Is this how you plan to take down our business? Yeah, I can see where this is going?

I don't give a crap at all about your business.  I've made it quite clear why I am posting here, and why I will be posting on AtariAge about it, and it will not go well for you.  I've given you ample opportunity to stop with this behavior, but you insist on continuing.  It seems to me that working on your games would be a much better use of your time.  But I've long ago tried making sense of your behavior, it is not normal by any stretch of the imagination.

Ta ta,



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

Hey Peter, looks like you've been rather busy this morning!

Nice to see your sock Bianka Desch (previously Barbara Dobrosso) joined your group this morning, and you welcomed "her" with a post!  Oh, and then she responded and you did in kind.  So cute to see you two getting together so well.


Oh, and then you made a post immediately after, bragging about having 4444 members in your group!


What's this?  You then hid the Bianka account again after making this brag post?


Notice how Bianka's name is now black, meaning the user taking the screenshot was blocked, or the account was taken offline.  This is typical for Peter, he takes these accounts offline, twiddles with them, then brings them back online, sometimes under new names.  Because this is what real people do with their account.  Oh yeah, Peter also renamed the URL for this account once again, because, yeah, that's something else people do with their account.  It's not?  Oh!  But it's something someone would do to try and hide that they are simply renaming an existing account.

I can confirm that as of right now, the account is offline.

And this isn't Bianka's only activity today.  Here are some posts "she" made on "her" wall in the last 24 hours:





All of these posts are very typical for Peter.  Cobra Kai, Spying on others, stating this account will "self destruct" or be "terminated", and the comment where he stated this account has done its job (in this case, "By the time someone sees us, it would have been too late because we already did damage, moved onto the next place.")  So, going to wake up more of your accounts?

Oh, what's this?  Another of your accounts you updated this morning:


The self-fail here is amazing. 

One more thing, both of these accounts are also in the Jaguar Sector III group run by Kieren Hawken, along with Peter's primary account:


I guess this is a full-time job for you now, Peter? 

As it seems you have absolutely no intent whatsoever to stop using these accounts, we've decided to start posting all this directly on AtariAge so it will be more broadly seen by the community.  People really need to know what you've been up to these past four years after being banned from AtariAge.  I don't intend on posting further here, and only did so now because I was shocked at your continued brazen use of these sock puppets, EVEN IN YOUR OWN GROUP, after what's been posted here.  Future posts will be on AtariAge.



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Now if this is about an account under the name Jaroslav Popovic, I would be happy to delete it, if I had the login credentials and password. I know he has been blocked from all the other Atari Facebook groups except mine, never posted anything. Could be someone spying on me. Those damn Russkies are at it again, now they are trying to steal our secrets. Without any more information about this person, I am not taking any actions.

This account clearly belonged to you.  How would you possibly know this account was blocked from other Atari Facebook groups if you didn't control it?   Oh, so it's someone using fake accounts to spy on you?  So it's not your account, but you're not going to take any action?  How does that even make any sense at all? 

And yes, Jaroslav Popovic certainly was in your group (as you know, because he is you).  Here's two screenshots showing that his only activity (at the time we discovered the account) was liking one of your posts attacking an AtariAge member.  This was from February, 2022. 



What a fucking shock.  Really sad that you have to use your sock puppets to interact with your posts to make it look like people are interested in the drivel you're writing.

Unless you abruptly change course, expect whatever remains of your poor reputation to be utterly destroyed when we put all this information about your extensive use of sock puppets and other harassment online for the world to see.



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

Hey Peter!  Look at this message someone just forwarded to me.  It was sent by your Bianka account (previously Barbara Dobrosso), unsolicited:


And this was just sent Monday, after I started posting here on this forum.  And who knows who else you may have sent this to, as we know you love to spam people.  I guess you're not happy about being exposed as the fraud you are!

How old are you?  Are you still in high school?  You are pathetic.



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)


PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I believe everyone here, and within the Atari community, can be sure I am the programmer for Tempest Xtreme and Venture, and other games. They seen my posts for years about games, and would not doubt my programming skills that put those games together. That is very well established.

Nobody has said otherwise, so I'm not sure why you're even bringing this up.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I avoided discussing Sal because of the controversial nature of the subject, but since it has been bought up repeatedly attempting to accuse me of harassing him.

It's only controversial because you have made it so.  And, yes, you clearly harassed him, and there's considerably more than what I've already posted to this forum.  Continue with your current behavior, and you and everyone else in the retro gaming community will get to read about what you've been doing the past four years in full detail, with a hundred times more evidence than what has already been posted.

It is interesting, one can claim that he does not know why Sal got the boot from Lance around March 2015, especially when they were involved with the reason. If Albert has any concerns about my claim that Sal pestering Lance about selling stuff to Albert, then Albert should send Lance an email to get his side of the story. After the Retro Portland Game Expo's back in 2012, Sal admitted to me that he met Albert at the Expo, and I also have witness reports to them talking to each other. Sal the next day after the expo, started asking Lance to sale parts to Albert.

I did not pay attention to what you, Lance, and Sal were doing very closely back then.  And who cares if I spoke to Sal at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo?  It's very doubtful we spoke about you back then at all.  Sal loaned me Commodore 1702 monitors for years at PRGE, and discussions about that, his booth, my booth, and topics about the show are mostly what we spoke about when we were both at the show together.  I talk to HUNDREDS of people at events like this.  I'm really going to just start calling you a stalker.  And I never asked Sal to ask Lance to sell me parts to sell me "parts", whatever that means.  If I was going to ask him anything, back then, it would be if he had any Atari 8-bit cartridge shells.  I already had boards and all the other parts to build 8-bit games, and I was recycling 8-bit shells at the time, which was a pain.  And even if that did transpire as you described, so what?  How the heck would that even be controversial in any way?

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

When we worked together on Tempest Xtreme, Sal had people beta testing the game for us, long before Lance decided to have people under non-disclosure. It helped me get the game working correctly. When we moved on to Venture, and I wanted beta testers involved, Sal got real nasty with me, and with people I was emailing, and wanted to handle all the beta testing himself. When bugs were reported on AtariAge, I got upset about it, and did send some ROMS to trusties, that resulted in Sal flipping out, and asked Lance to terminate me from the partnership. But as everyone knows, I was the one providing Lance with game programs and what side Lance will take. I already had several more games in the works that Sal wanted to put a stop to. When that did not happen, things went further south with Sal.

I don't care about this at all, and it's completely irrelevant to the bigger issue, which you are, of course, avoiding, and that's your use of sock puppet accounts pretty much everywhere you go, and what they use them for (which I won't repeat AGAIN).  FFS, this happened years ago, Sal is now dead, just fucking drop it already, nobody cares!  It has no relevance now, and none of what you have written excuses your behavior with your fake accounts on AtariAge, Facebook, and elsewhere.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

At this time, I am not going get into the phone conversations I had with Sal in 2017. If Albert has concerns about what I posted so far, he may contact Video61.

Don't care, read above.

I'd like to stop posting here, so please stop giving me reasons to.  I'm sure everyone else would appreciate that as well.  Please heed my warnings about your continued use of fake accounts.  Focus on your games.  Stop harassing people.  Stop creating drama.

Thank you,



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

That email Peter sent Sal is ridiculous on so many fronts.  First, he wastes no time in bringing up Sal's poor health and, "No one can really figure out how long you have in this world."  Wow, really nice, again demonstrating your wonderful character.  Second, I've already explained multiple times why Peter was banned from the forum (he was creating multiple sock puppet accounts over a period of years, I warned him to stop, he did not, he was banned, simple as that).  This was done entirely by myself, with no input from others.  There was no cabal trying to get Peter banned from the forum, he is entirely to blame for that.

Second, I know nothing about any attempts to have Lance "sell parts to Albert", I already had everything I needed to make and sell games for Atari 8-bit computers, as well as various other platforms, so this makes no sense at all.  And the only one of Peter's games that we discussed selling in the AtariAge Store (at least with me as part of the conversation) was Venture, and that never went very far (thankfully, in hindsight). 

Additionally, the above email wasn't the only one Peter sent to Sal in 2022 (contrary to the email above), here's one from the end of February, this time using the name Marie Joseph with yet another email account:


Love Peter's admission about renaming Facebook accounts, including changing the URL, both of which I've mentioned on this forum.  Fortunately, it's trivial to see when this is done, so I guess Peter failed at his attempts to "mess with them" on this front.

And here's Peter harassing Sal with his "Jake Arthur" persona, which has also harassed Jon, this time on YouTube.  And, yeah, another instance of the "We are watching you" intimidation.


Here's the email "Jake Arthur" sent to Jon in December, again demonstrating Peter being pleased with Sal's death, as he would no longer be "a problem to some people."  And again with the, "I have been observing you for a long time." 


PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Alright then, I will continue showing the Atari community the games I am working on

Good, focus on your games, stop being the bully you claim others to be, stop harassing people, and stop using fake accounts to do so.



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I will no longer discuss those accounts that were alleged to be under my control. They are gone now.

Yeah, how many times have we already heard this from you, yet, here you are.  Also, just stop saying "alleged", we know it's you, and you've already admitted to creating "most" of them.  Your word is not worth anything at this point, only actions are.  As of yesterday you were still making posts to Barbara's wall.  I'm going to assume at this point you'll continue using these accounts.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

What started this whole thing was something about my work-in-progress videos that people like to see. Someone posted on AtariAge that my videos should not be included of games in progress unbiased list and should be censored, then I posted on Facebook about with my opinion about it. I looked things over, and do see some additional things that may be provoking the situation such as the amount of videos I post of different games I am working on.

Nobody at all cares about your videos and how often you post them. The problem started with you.  Creating fake accounts on AtariAge, and then you went completely off the rails on Facebook once were (finally) banned from AtariAge after being warned not to continue creating sock puppet accounts.  What people care about are you using fake accounts to get around bans in Facebook groups from which your primary account was banned, using these accounts to intimidate and harass people (such as the posts I displayed above, which is only the tip of a huge iceberg), using these accounts to harass people via DMs on Facebook, using them in your own group to shill your own posts, and so forth.  And, of course, all the bullshit you post about AtariAge, Jon, myself, Sal, and others.  You have absolutely zero self-control, it almost seems like a game to you. 

You even harassed Sal directly on AtariAge with one of your fake accounts, and this was one you created in 2020, over a year AFTER you were banned.  These were posted on April 4, 2020. First, here are two public posts you made with the account:



And here's a private message on AtariAge Peter sent Sal using this account (Sal sent me this screenshot), also on the same day:


Good job playing the role of stalker, and this is a very common theme you repeat constantly with your Facebook sock puppets.  We probably have at least a hundred different "We are watching you!" screenshots.  You really need some help.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Going forward, I am going to reduce to about one video every 2 weeks as a guideline. I am going wait until games are more complete before posting videos. I know my Youtube account is monitored for work-in-progress videos now. It could also be about captions and extra watermarks, but people need to get back to me about their concerns.

Again, nobody cares at all about your videos.

And here I am, loudly expressed my "concerns", but they are clearly falling on deaf ears when you start talking about stupid shit like your videos.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

At this time, I am not disclosing everything that happened with Sal. We have dealt personally with Sal for many years. With what happened after Video61 decided to terminate Sal's business relationship, why Video61 did not want to continue working with him, and what I learned, anyone will understand my feelings about him afterward. He has a history of betrayal not only with us, but several others I speak with. We have plenty of proof, dated documents, witnesses, and know who he got involved with

Blah blah blah, more attacks against Sal, who is no longer here to even defend himself.  So you guys parted ways, you're badmouthing him without showing any proof whatsoever.  If you had "plenty of proof", etc, you would have showed your hand long ago.  And what does "who he got involved with" even mean?  You mean he actually SPOKE TO OTHER PEOPLE!  OMG!  One of those people was ME, because Sal was forwarding me all the emails you were sending him, the DMs you were using to harass him, and of course, I saw all the crap you continually post in your echo chamber 6502 Programming group on Facebook. And anywhere else you post, such as here.  And even if this all were true, your public statement gleefully awaiting for his departure from this earth demonstrates your true character.

Jacques napisał/a:

And having read you wished death to someone, it says 1000x more than is needed.


PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I left the post up just long enough to see if anyone came forward with some information.

This was just a ruse to make it look like the account didn't belong to you.  Yeah, you posted a few things with the account so you could attempt plausible deniability, but really, it just makes it even more obvious that you were doing it just for that purpose, since you made too many other posts with this (and other) accounts that clearly show they belong to you. 

I have to wonder if the people you friended with these accounts even notice when you repeatedly rename them, give them new Facebook URLs, and change the cover and profile photos.

Please, keep posting, I'm enjoying watching you dig your hole even deeper. And I have an endless supply of screenshots showing you being a terrible and deceitful person with both your real account and all your fake accounts.



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

Wow, Peter, you are seriously a piece of work.  Similar to your post above, here's a post you made in your Facebook group this afternoon:


Peter, the depths you will go to just astound me.  YOU are the perpetrator, and this is a twisted attempt to try and cover your tracks and pin this account on someone else.  This account is clearly owned and controlled by you.  If you do not remove this post on your group immediately, and you do not also permanently delete that Facebook account, I am going to start posting all the screenshots we've made with this account over time to clearly demonstrate how this account is YOU, how everything posted by this account is YOU, and which will show beyond a reasonable doubt to anyone with half a brain that you are lying and doing so very openly.  And that exposés of all your other accounts will be forthcoming, along with emails you've sent people, DMs you've sent people, and so forth.

Additionally, if you do not remove that post and remove that account, once I post all the evidence that this account is yours (which I will do on AtariAge and on Facebook), I will then DM every single person you've friended with that account and point them to the thread on AtariAge, which will be the first of many, demonstrating what you have been up to these past four years.

Is that really what you want?  Because it sure seems to me that's exactly what you want.

Here's a taste of what everyone will see:


Some background for others.  This post directly references Sal Esquivel, whom I also mentioned in the previous thread, where Peter was practically giddy that Sal was in poor health and he was eager for him to just kick off and die already.  Sal and Peter had a falling out, and Peter has spent a lot of time and energy maligning him on Facebook and also harassing Sal with direct messages and emails. 

Sal used to live in Oregon, in a trailer, and he then moved, ultimately settling in Texas, which is where he lived when he recently passed away.  Some random person on Facebook who has never interacted with Sal Esquivel before would not have known this about Sal, much less made a post of this nature about "a history of screwing people over".  This is just one of many, many examples that demonstrate Peter is a sick, twisted individual, and, again, a coward for using fake accounts to attack and defame people.

Here's another for good measure:


This post is directed squarely at Jon Halliday, flashjazzcat.  Last year someone threw a brick through a window of Jon's home, and that is what Peter is referencing here. Again, Peter using a fake account to say hateful things, and there are a ton of posts like this about Jon across multiple sock puppet accounts Peter has created.  Also, use of the term "bully" here as Peter does ad nauseam.

So, Peter, I guess you really want to be publicly and broadly exposed for all the fake accounts you've created on Facebook over time, accounts you continue to use, accounts you've friended various people in the hobby with, who have no idea these are not real people, accounts you've used to send people harassing DMs, accounts you've used to post in your own groups, sometimes even responding to posts and comments you've made yourself, and so forth? 

It's within your power to make this stop, otherwise the floodgates are going to open.



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Sigh, i wasn't going to continue posting here, but, man, you just do not know when to shut up.  Lance gave you good advice to stop posting here, as you continue to dig the hole deeper for yourself, and I didn't think that was possible.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

This is in response to Facebook accounts list. I also never stated that was I that deleted most of those accounts. I know a few disappeared and I had no control over that. Some of those listed like “April Roberts”, “Babara Dobrosso”, “Jaraslav Popovic”, “Joe Anamolous”, and “Peter Option M” were accounts that I either had no control over or did not know they existed until Albert listed them.

You're so full of shit, I can smell it all the way from here.  Funny how the Barbara account (which you've been extremely active with and renamed it multiple times) disappeared right after I posted that list of accounts here.  And you had already renamed it to "Bianka" shortly before it disappeared.  Of course, it'll probably be back under yet another name soon enough.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I have no idea about malicious statements they posted or who they were harassing. It did not come from me. Also, no proof has not been posted about those particular accounts that link them to me.

Oh, rest assured, since you won't shut up about this and continue insisting some of these accounts didn't belong to you, nor that they were posting anything harassing, that proof will be coming.  Did you completely miss the fact that several members of the community have been screenshotting all the stupid crap you've been doing with these accounts and connecting them to you for the past four years?  It's trivial to connect these accounts to you, as you are extremely sloppy and follow the same patterns with most of these accounts.  I'm not going to further clutter up this forum by detailing all of your adventures, when we've already been doing it elsewhere privately (for now).

I can't imagine anyone believing your account of events at this point, especially given you've demonstrated this deceptive behavior on this very forum.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Perhaps, I feel that I am also expressing my opinion within my Facebook group or on my “wall.” I feel I am invoking my first amendment rights. On my account timeline, most of my postings do not involve Atari.

You can post whatever you want to your wall, but don't be surprised when you're called out for lies, libel, and harassment you post. Can't wait to send all this to my lawyers who will package up this information nicely and send it to Facebook legal, which will surely result in the permanent closure of all your accounts for multiple and continued violations of Facebook Community Standards.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I will do whatever I can do to protect copyrighted materials, even if it involves an impression that I still have something going on with social media.

Again with weasel words, "an impression", lol.  You're stating here that you're going to continue creating and using fake accounts on Facebook and elsewhere.  Got it. 



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

syscall napisał/a:

Why are we talking about other forum problems here? What's the point? This topic is about the demoscene.

Yes, you are right, and I apologize for dragging this thread further off course.  I will refrain from posting further in this thread unless there's a substantially compelling reason to do so. 

Peter, I suggest you give some serious thought as to how you want this to play out.



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Perhaps an attorney needs to contact Albert and Metaguy66 again. If I recall, this whole thing was about a version of SpartaDOSX cartridge modified to work with certain devices. I know Sal got nasty with Metalguy66. I stayed away from it. There were no problem between myself and Metaguy until I tried to have him fix my Atari MIO device and I became aware with what was happening.

You are absolutely ridiculous with your post editing, just as you are on Facebook (even adding hidden messages in your Facebook posts sometimes -- yes, we've seen those, and how old are you again?)  You completely changed this first paragraph.  What the hell are you talking about, "an attorney needs to contact Albert and Metalguy66 again"?  An attorney has never contacted me with regards to anything of that nature.  Are you taking your meds today?

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I am not sure what was going on with the forum in 2021. I am aware in another post Albert said something about the beginning of 2021. What was the name on the account, and what did he post?

Also, just stop lying about accounts you've created, you're just digging your hole even deeper.  What's going on is you created a new account to evade your ban so you could ask various programming-related questions.  You should focus on permanently deleting all your existing Facebook accounts and cleaning up all the crap you've posted on Facebook.  Maybe focus on your games?  And get another hobby?  The amount of time you spend nurturing these accounts and posting all sorts of drivel with them is mind boggling. As long as you continue down this path, we will continue to document it. 



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Also, I'd just like to add, for a forum that you've vilified (and continue to do so) every chance you've had over the past four years, you were pretty desperate to get back onto it after you were banned.  You immediately created several additional accounts after being banned, but obviously I was expecting that, so you weren't successful in getting back on at that point.  But you did succeed in doing so in 2021, over two years after your original account was banned.  And with that new account, you had no problem using the forum and all its terrible users to ask various programming-related questions. 



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

A request about bullying examples: Start with this https://forums.atariage.com/topic/26412 … -routines/

LOL, you're butthurt over this?  It's a discussion forum, where people are free to have their own opinions, and at this point it seems you already earned a reputation for being extremely paranoid about people pirating your games.  It's obvious some people (like Metalguy) have strong opinions about Lance and the way he does business, and I don't agree with some of his posts in that thread, but again, it's not bullying.  It seems to me you have extremely thin skin.  And yet you still continued to post in that thread and it did get back on track at the end. 

This is hardly "bullying", and certainly nothing like the bullying you have been doing over the past four years.  No wonder you created your own Facebook group where you can control the narrative and talk to yourself with your sock puppets (and, yes, we have many examples of this in your own group). 

Even if one were to consider that thread "bullying", it still absolutely does not excuse your behavior over the past four years, or your behavior on AtariAge prior to your being banned.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

It appears the facts surrounding me changing my screen name here are open to interpretation and we have different opions if I was truthful or not. I still have my actual emails, and keeping it as evidence.

This isn't even terribly important in the grand scheme of things, it's just another example of you attempting to create another account on a forum where you already had an account, and also using that account to deceive and attack people using an alias to hide behind.  This is not an isolated incidence, but can be tossed on the enormous pile of evidence of this behavior. 

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Most of those Facebook accounts had been deleted years ago.

I didn't say the were still all active accounts, I know most of those no longer exist.  That does not excuse the fact that they were created by you in the first place.  But, hey, thanks again for acknowledging that "most" of them were in fact created by you.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I know a few were not mine at all. (Peter Option M, Joe Anomalous, Jaroslav Popovic, April Roberts).  One did attempt to join my group and my moderator alerted me suspecting it was fake. I sent them a PM, and confirmed he was real.

Nice story.  Have you ever thought about becoming an author?  Although I doubt you'd be able to write a story that wasn't completely full of plot holes.



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Let me start by stating two things. I did attempt to make only one new account here around December 29, 2022 using "PeteyM5" as I did want to use the screen name I am known by on other locations. The forum admins contacted and informed this was in violation of rules. Asked if I wanted to them to delete "PilotZmii." I did make the request to remove PilotZmii. The Admins instead just changed my screenname from PilotZmii to PeteyM5. I did not have to do this. There are other reasons why I did this, as I do see people here may be interested in my games and programming. So, it may be better for people to know it is me here with future posts.

This is complete bullshit, you obviously were here under false pretenses, as Jon demonstrated earlier.  Call it whatever you want, you are being deceptive as is typical, and now you are attempting to whitewash what you did here.  It isn't going to work, and people can easily see through your BS.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

The other issue with Atari.IO. Only one attempt to create a fake account was ever made, back in 2016. Justin Scott caught it, and just deleted the account.

So you did the same thing there, as I stated above.  Thanks for confirming.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Sometime in common with allegations about Atari Area and Atari.IO is that they are exaggerated beyond actual fact and occurring more recently than events actually happened.

LOL at "allegations", you've directly admitted to attempting to create at least one additional account on both of these forums.  And, uhhh, this did, in fact, occur very recently here!  Given how many accounts you created or attempted to create on AtariAge (before and after you were banned), this seems to be standard practice for you wherever you go.  You seem to have zero remorse at all for creating sock puppet accounts, you're just unhappy that you're getting caught and being called out for our behavior.

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I am not in a Court room here and do not need to prepare a longer defense here.

Keep up with the creation of fake accounts and the libel against myself and others, and you will find yourself in a court room.  Consider yourself lucky that you aren't at present, as the sheer amount of evidence against you is extraordinarily damning. 

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Issues regarding Facebook. Seems like I am being requested to remove posts and these alleged accounts. Can I expect something in exchange if I do so? It would take me awhile, but going to start with some recent posts.

LOL again with your weasel words, "alleged accounts".  We know you have created at least 20 Facebook accounts over the last several years, and when you include your constant renaming of accounts to try and shield them, this number goes even higher.   Don't give me this alleged garbage.  Remove the fake accounts, stop creating and using fake accounts, that would be a good first step.  Stop attempting to create fake accounts on forums.  Stop harassing people via emails and hiding behind fake names and various email accounts to do so. 

Here are just some of the Facebook accounts we've documented, and this list isn't current, as everything in the last year has continued to be documented in the forum I referenced in my earlier post.


Here's a quote from you earlier in this thread,

Peteym5 napisał/a:

The AtariAge account mentioned happened over four years ago, plus I had not attempted to create accounts for almost 3 years now.

This is another lie, as we caught you with an active account on AtariAge less than two years ago.  You were stupidly posting the same exact things on Facebook as you were on AtariAge, which is what tipped us off.  Given your brazen attitude for creating multiple accounts wherever you go, I absolutely would not be surprised if you have other accounts on AtariAge I'm not aware of.

Keep lying, keep creating/using your fake accounts, and this is just going to get worse for you.



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Hi Peter J. Meyer, remember me, it's Albert!  Oh, of course you do, you've been spewing vile and libel about myself, AtariAge, and various members of AtariAge ever since you were booted from AtariAge in 2019!

Welcome to another forum where you signed up under false pretenses!  As well as attempting to create fake accounts, but the forum admin caught you out and forced you to use your real name/handle.  Let's start with your claim that you voluntarily changed your username here:

Peter napisał/a:

I decided to make the request myself to change my screen name with the admin here. I decided it was best to let FlashJazzCat to see who he really were talking to here.

LIAR! The forum admin was kind enough to point out that you even lied about this.  Not a surprise, though, I guess it's hard to keep track of all the accounts you create on various forums and, especially, on Facebook.

For anyone not aware, this is a repeating pattern for Peter over the last decade.  Seriously.  Years ago I caught Peter using fake accounts on AtariAge to pimp his own games (in threads where Peter was also using his primary account), as well as attack his critics.  At one point I warned Peter that if he continued to do this, I would ban his account. 

Well, fast forward to December 2018, and I caught Peter doing this again.  At this point I was completely fed up with his behavior, so I permanently banned him in January 2019.  I explained this in a public post on AtariAge here:

https://forums.atariage.com/topic/11040 … nt-4194599

If you look at the above post, you can see that Peter had created multiple accounts, and it was fairly trivial to tie them all together.  Amazingly, the email address used for one of these accounts was the same email that Peter used to send Jon an email very recently (with a fake name, of course), as Jon detailed in an earlier message. 

Immediately after his ban on AtariAge, he tried to create even more accounts.  Those attempts were stymied, and he was not able to get back on at that time. Not long after this, I received confirmation that Peter had also created multiple accounts on the Atari.io forum, and those were also removed.  Peter had begun badmouthing AtariAge on Atari.io and on Facebook as well. 

And, as he was doing on AtariAge and elsewhere, Peter started creating fake sock puppet accounts on Facebook.  He began using these accounts to attack AtariAge, myself, and others, and it was easy to see these accounts belonged to him. This behavior resulted in his getting removed from many Facebook groups he was active in.  This did not slow Peter down at all.  He continued to create fake accounts on Facebook to attempt to get around bans, and at one point started using these accounts to harass people. He would send people DMs on Faceobook using them, and he would make various posts on the walls of these accounts attacking AtariAge and his various perceived enemies. 

This continues to be the case in the present, as Peter actively manages several sock puppet accounts on Facebook.  He has friended many people in the retro gaming hobby with these accounts, and these people have no clue that they are interacting with fake accounts run by Peter J. Meyer.  He uses these accounts to write terrible things that he might not write with his own personal account, although as you'll see below, he also writes terrible things with his primary account.  He uses them to send people harassment via DMs.  He's even used at least one of these accounts as a moderator in his own 6502 programming group on Faceebook.  We know he has several different accounts in the Jaguar Sector III Facebook group which is run by Kieren Hawken, another individual who has mostly been ostracized from the hobby for his prolific work as a troll and pathological liar over the years, so of course they are buddies.

We have documented over 20 different Facebook accounts Peter has created.  Some of these accounts he periodically takes offline briefly, renames them, gives them new cover photos and profile photos, new Facebook URLs, and then brings them back online.  But many of the photos and posts remain the same, and existing public posts with these accounts suddenly have a new name, so they are easy to track. 

Peter has admitted many times that he creates fake accounts, but claims he is using them to "monitor" others (like you really need different accounts to do that?), or for other reasons that don't justify their creation. And nearly every single time this comes up he claims that he hasn't been doing this in the last year, or two years, or three years.  But these statements are flat out lies, as Peter continues to use fake accounts to this very day.

To demonstrate Peter's character, here's part of a public post he made in July of last year, knowing Sal Esquival was not in the best of health.  Sal is someone he previously worked with to develop games for the Atari 8-bit computers, and they had a falling out at one point.  Peter's spent a lot of time grousing about Sal, but this really takes the cake:


For those who do not know, Sal recently passed away.  I spoke to Sal on and off over the past few years, most recently about the music he created for an Atari 8-bit port of Outrun, which he was very excited about.  Sal also shared with me all the harassment Peter was dishing out in his direction, especially in the form of emails which he'd routinely send Sal, usually with fictional names and a variety of email addresses.  Sal gave me permission to share all of this publicly, which will be done soon (see below). 

Here's a post on Facebook that Peter made today:


Let me respond to a few of Peter's comments.

Peter napisał/a:

What I found disturbing is a member with screen name of "Shawn" believes mentioning my games are unwelcomed because I was banned...I know he is biased aginst myself and Lance, ..."

You're right, you were rightfully banned for creating multiple accounts, after being warned repeatedly not to do so. I also do not want your games discussed on AtariAge.  Not only because you were banned, but because you have repeatedly spewed lies against myself, AtariAge, and others.  Why should we reward that behavior by allowing your games to be discussed on the very forum you were banned from and continue to attack?

Peter napisał/a:

...and is an enforcer for the guy that runs the show other there.

Nobody is an enforcer for me.  Take responsibility for your own actions that cause people to look at you in a negative light.  You only have yourself to blame here.  Shawn calls it like it is and is very frank about how he feels. 

Peter napisał/a:

I know people over there have been trying to drive us out of the Atari scene and out of business.

Nobody is trying to drive you out of business, but again, don't be shocked that, due to your own actions, you have been banned from various forums and Facebook groups over the years.  Again, this is entirely your own doing.  How surprising that people don't want to deal with someone who has demonstrated he is incapable of using forums or Facebook without creating multiple accounts.  That he cannot take responsibility for why he was banned from AtariAge or various Facebook groups.  It's always someone else's fault.  Always the thugs and bullies, when in reality, it is you who are bullying others.

Peter napisał/a:

This is happening while I am making an effort not to continue using "sock puppet" accounts to promote my games.

You and your weasel words, "making an effort", LMFAO, obviously your effort is failing, as you continue to use fake accounts on Facebook, and the Atari.Area forum is just the latest example where you were caught attempting to make multiple accounts, as clearly stated by the forum admin above.  If you were honestly trying to "make an effort not to continue using sock puppet accounts", all you have to do is DELETE THE ACCOUNTS.  But, no, you continue using them.  Maybe you're not often using them to promote your games, but you sure as hell are using them to attack your perceived enemies with public posts made by these accounts, private DMs sent to people, and of course, hiding behind aliases to send hateful emails to people.  As well as to get around bans in various Facebook groups (which pretty much ensures you will not get back into those groups with your primary account).  This is what a coward does.

Peter always plays the victim, claiming that he's been bullied by "thugs" on AtariAge, yet he has never shown any actual evidence of his claims. He's upset because people were reporting issues and giving feedback about his games, trying to help him improve them.  But apparently Peter believes that is "bullying".  He's also lied about why he was banned from AtariAge, rather than accept he was banned for creating multiple fake accounts over a period of years (and I was rather lenient with him on that front, in hindsight I should have banned him sooner).

Peter is a liar, and his word cannot be trusted.  Peter is a coward, as shown by his continually hiding behind fake accounts to attack others. Until Peter apologizes for his actions, retracts the libel he's stated about myself, AtariAge, Jon Halliday, and others in the hobby over the years, removes any active fake accounts he's created on Facebook and elsewhere, and demonstrates over time that he is no longer using such accounts, we will continue to expose Peter's behavior, whether he likes it or not. 

Peter, you are the bully.  You are the thug.  You are the one harassing people, and apparently spending a great deal of time doing so.  The only reason we have our eyes trained on you at all is because you continue to use fake accounts to circumvent bans, to attack and spread lies people, and to shill your own games.  It's astounding how much time you spend doing this, rather than focusing your energies on making games, which all of us would rather see you do than spending an inordinate amount of time hiding behind fake accounts being the bully you accuse everyone else of being.

As it seems you have no intention of curtailing your behavior, myself and several members of the community have been using a private forum on AtariAge to document all of your fake accounts in detail, linking them all back to you, as well as the many hateful and untrue things you have been posting with these accounts and your real account.  Expect to see this all open to the public soon, including well over a thousand screenshots of Facebook posts and comments made by you and your sock puppets, private emails you've sent to Jon, Sal Esquival, and others, DMs and private messages you've sent to others, and so forth.  People will be absolutely floored at how busy you've been on all these fronts over the past several years. 

Here's a small snippet of what you can expect:


You are about to be exposed for the fraud that you are.
