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Rogul 1.0f Poprawki i nowe funkcje
a8rawconv GUI Graficzny interfejs użytkownika (GUI) dla narzędzia a8rawconv
TNFSD-GUI Graficzny interfejs użytkownika dla serwera TNFS
Wywiad z Bocianu na AtariOrbit Wojciech "Bocianu" Bociański, znany w naszym środowisku programista, udzielił wywiadu serwisowi AtariOrbit.
FujiNet. Artykuły odkrywające możliwości Jak urządzenie łączy Atari z nowoczesnością, umożliwiając społecznościową rywalizację w grach i korzystanie z sieciowego OS.
Opcje wyszukiwania
I did a small intro to say THANKS YOU! to all contributors, not just for the actual, but even earlier issues of NYD.
Get it here: … nt=5379926
As you maybe still know...
NYD 2024 is released. Thanks to all, who contributed! Have joy and a very happy new year! … nt=5378337
Hi there,
next NYD is upcoming in a few days and you can still be part of it. Send your creations till end of 31st december 2023 to me.
Head over to atariage forum for a little invitro: … disk-2024/
Hope for some entries,
Hello Everybody.
Everything is released and available at atariage forum (even some sources of entries are there) or at
Have fun and Happy New Year!
Hello again!
It´s time to start the work for the next edition of the New Year's Disc!
I hope for many entries ;)
To have a little stimulation for you, I did a small invitation.
Invitation at
As usual you can send your entries to thread or to nyd2011 at
Everything is welcome, even small pieces or snippets of code.
greets from Berlin, Germany, PP´s
The "thing" is released ;)
probierz (download :) ) at atariage or pouet:
Hi folks,
here we go again ;) I´d like to invite you to contribute at this traditional ?!? event.
As allways, I want to create this little collection for our pleasure ;) Would be cool to get some cool stuff together again.
Sent your contribution to
Thread on atariage: … disc-2010/
waiting for contributors, Ralf (PP´s)
I did some word by word translating of what we say here in German, hope it is right:
Zdrowego Nowego Roku! Gesundes Neues Jahr! Happy New Year!
The disc is released...
Animkomials just sent their entry via miker, so we have at least 12 different screens, intros, animations and games!
Prepare for a nice start into 2009!
Just some time to have an own entry at the discs ;)
Like the last two years I´d like to get your entries for another edition of the New Year´s Disc.
Every entry is welcome and I´ll try to put all togehter until Januar 1st.
Code what you want, make a picture or a music tune, give us your newest game, even what you want - it even should be for our beloved machine. The aim of this 'contest' is simply haveing fun creating something new and/or haveing fun watching this as a nice start into the new year with our machines.
Send your entry to nyd2009ATppsberlinPUNKTde or simply ad to the atariage-thread for download if you want to show it before deadline...
The contest is NOW open and will end just before the new year arrives, at the end of sylvester eve.
In hope for many entries this time...
atariage-thread: … pic=135340
Ok, here we go!
This time these people will give you some wishes for The new year:
Sikor, Dely & Miker (Poland)
Rybags (Australia)
Pseudografx, Fandal, Raster & Krupkaj (Czech Republic)
and off course me (Germany)
Have fun, as we had creating this little stuff!
Thanks again for all contributors.
Download here: … ;p=1436682
Here are the actual contributors:
intro by Dely & Miker (Poland)
intro by Rybags (Australia)
intro by Fandal, Raster & Krupkaj (Czech Republic)
intro by Sikor & Miker (Poland)
intro by me (Germany) & Pseudografx (Czech Republic)
pictures by me
announced entry by Thelen (Netherlands)
announced entry by Heaven (Germany)
Now I´m going to party as it´s only 6 and a half hours to go here in Germany ;)
Tomorrow I´ll check the postbox and then the release will be done.
DE: Euch allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!!!
Hoho... actual contributors:
intro by Dely & Miker (Poland)
intro by Rybags (Australia)
intro by Fandal, Raster & Krupkaj (Czech Republic)
intro & pictures by me (Germany)
announced entry by Thelen (Netherlands)
song from pseudografx (Czech Republic)
Many thanks to all of you ! This will become a superb start into New Year ;)
Hi folks,
I´d like to invite you to take part at the new years demo.
As last year, we want to create a small hello to all atarians. Every entry is wellcome: graphics, game, demo, tool, etc
Simply send your creation until december 31st to the following email address: ppsberlin_at_web_dot_de
Would be cool to have as many entries as possible :)
Look here for last year´s disc and actual discussion: … opic=99230
Merry xmas from Berlin, Germany
PP´s of STARSOFT Berlin
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