(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 16/32bit)

Updates from the Atari Music Network


AMN Live! is a free, professional publishing tool designed to help you promote your 8-bit chiptune or vintage MIDI synth music to a targeted, global audience. Within minutes, you can create an artist's profile and begin adding albums and songs for others to listen, rate and comment on. You can include cover art, profile pics, and discography data as well as written reviews, lyrics and chords for every song you add! You can even associate your music with other registered artists for cross-promotion and collaborative projects.

AMN Live! was designed to get your music heard and appreciated! That's why AMN Live! integrates social bookmarking with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and many other major sites. There's also built-in SEO tools to help search engines index and rank your content higher.

Even though the service is free, the Atari Music Network is the only chiptune and vintage MIDI community that pays out of pocket for Facebook and Google ads ? so your music has a much better chance of getting noticed!... See More

You don't have to be an Atari user to join either! The Atari Music Network welcomes chiptune and MIDI musicians from the Commodore, Amiga, Spectrum, Nintendo, PC, and Mac communities to join!

Join the Revolution of Vintage Digital Music!


(2 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 16/32bit)

Hello fellow Atarians! If you are an Atari based musician, using your Atari ST or Falcon for MIDI or YM2149 music composition, then check out this new site - the Atari Music Network: http://www.atarimusic.net/

Here's the press release below:

From sequencing Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk concerts in the 80's to tearing up the dance floors at the 2010 Blip Festival, Atari's reputation as a music monster machine has persisted for a quarter of a century. For MIDI synth enthusiasts, the Atari was and still is the ultimate bridge between man, music, and machine. For chip musicians, the Atari's untapped sonic palette has yet to paint the ever-expanding canvas of 8-bit music.  But the Atari was more than just a great computer - it defined an entire era that included synthesists and chiptuners from the Amiga, Commodore, ZX Spectrum, NES, PC, and MAC communities. AMN welcomes and celebrates all vintage digital musicians no matter what their computer - as long as it's slightly yellowed, of course!

The Atari Music Network (AMN) aims to:

*    Provide free webspace for all vintage computer musicians to create professional pages they can upload their music and videos to. See AMN Live! for more details!
*    Stimulate social interaction between vintage computer musicians and developers on AMN's Forum
*    Encourage ex-developers to update and redistribute commercial software or release it into the public domain.

     Specific to Atarians

*    Advocate and sponsor Atari based musicians in the MIDI & 8-bit music scene.
*    Catalog and review all known Atari music software and hardware.
*    Collect and offer hard to find Atari warez (abandoneware only).
*    Collect and offer sysex sound banks and software utilities for MIDI synths.

(MAIN SITE) http://www.AtariMusic.net
(FORUM) http://www.AtariMusic.net/atari-music-network
(Facebook) http://www.atarimusic.net/index.php/net … book-group
(Twitter) http://twitter.com/AtariMusicNet