i have the hardware and search 1 year ago for dev information but it seems that end of 2004 everything was available... :)


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

thanks tebe....


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)


just wanted to code little bit on boinxx (after spending weeks on playing world of warcraft...) and i can't fade in Pov's g2f? the fade routine generated by g2f corrupts the screen ram??? i tried to move around the stuff in memory but it does not work... the fading works correct for colours max. 96 but not with the 176 colour changes  used in the title screen from pov... vidol's highscore logo works perfect...

any ideas what i am doing wrong?


(3 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)


is there somebody (draco?) who can sell me a complete atari computer (xl,xe) modded with 65816, new os, small harddisc with bewe or spartados, minimum 128kb ram? i am not a hardware guy so an "out of the box" atari would be great.

if so... how much ? would i have to pay?


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

mikey... i made a simple test but it does not work?

i packed with gzip a small 960 byte screen with gzip -9 test.scr
and then depacked it with


init    pla
    pla            ;hi byte of dest
    sta outputPointer+1
    sta outputPointer
    sta inputPointer+1
    sta inputPointer
    jsr inflate
    mvy    #1    getBit_hold
    bne    inflate_2    !

i thought this should work?

[ Dodano: Sro Lut 23, 2005 18:18 ]
hmmm... pucrunch does not work either...

[ Dodano: Nie Lut 27, 2005 0:00 ]
thanks to Fox... it now works... sorry... i am marketing guy... i never touched c compilers... ;)


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

esp. the warning warning...core overheating sound... ;)


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)


much easier to read than the numen equivalent... so i can zip the boinxx levels easily with winzip and depack it with this routine?


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

thanks tebe... i guess its in the numen source... the inflate.asx...
aarg... have to dig in fox hardcoded xasm source... ;)


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

hi guys,

just wanted to implement packed levels into Boinxx and it seems that my FP21 does not work with atari800win40?

when i am scrolling down and try to mark a file to pack it is always "dos.sys"???? the filename is going with the cursor down?

any ideas what i am doing wrong?

is there a pc tool i can use instead? the packer i was looking for must not work in realtime... the levels in boinxx will be prepacked and by entering a new level depacked into a special level buffer... i was thinking of using fox' flashpack instead of the slow and memory wasting bewersoft's superpacker...

which packer are you using for your own games?


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

now with pics...  i'll add dely's logo as well and i recieved a new one from stay tuned...

[ Dodano: Sro Lut 09, 2005 19:19 ]
new reworkded title screen by POV:


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

dely ;)


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

dely... maybe.... ;) but isn't that logo too much 80s style? ;) ;)

xray... can not understand you...


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

thanks solo for feedback.... it was just a quick thouwing together to test if i exit correctly the g2f...

re: fade out g2f

how can i fade out the complete g2f? is it not more complicated as it is hardcoded in the display kernel & DLIs?

re: stereo upgrade

do you mean to extend the player to stereo? or do you mean that xray should expand the MPTs to stereo ones? (4 vs 8 channel, ingame 3 channel vs. 6 channel?)


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

infos here: … 471#792471

good night...


(3 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

and some polish guy did a 1st title screen in his freetime... completly out of the blue... very suprised.... :D l can not wait to see the 1st official title screen... ;) (vidol?  8) )

[ Dodano: Pon Lut 07, 2005 1:01 ]
new version is available at atariage boinxx forum...

and more infos regarding development:

[ Dodano: Pon Lut 07, 2005 1:01 ] … 709#791709


(5 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

thanks tebe... i'll gonna check it out...

btw. here is the new 2 level beta version... … 548#791548


(5 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

i try to explain it more...

i was under the impression that a code segment assembled with

org $c000
ins 'title_g2f.obx',6

xasm test.asx
xboot /p test.obx

will generate an ATR with fox' pro loader... so this loader loads the segments and moves them under OS f.e. $c000.

in Boinxx i am installing my own NMI to have more RAM when Boinxx was loaded with the Pro loader i should have the G2f correctly at $c000.

but insteresting is that Boinxx is loaded correctly by the pro loader and is started but the screen remains velvet and the MPT music does not start... so there is something messy going on...

[ Dodano: Nie Lut 06, 2005 18:18 ]
here is the init of boinxx. maybe the pro loader is doing switching OFF the rom before entering the loaded file... maybe this messes up my code...

        org $4000

start             jsr wait_frame            ;wait one frame
                jsr switch_off_os_rom
                jsr init
                jsr pminit                ;init pm gfx

wait_frame  lda 20
            cmp 20
            beq *-2

switch_off_os_rom   sei              ;stop interrups
                    mva #0 ^4e       ;stop all interrupts
                    mva #$fe ^31
                    mwa    #nmi    $fffa
                    mwa    #nmi    $fffe
                    mva    #$c0    ^4e
; NMI routine
; ^4f==#$5f if VBLKI
; ^4f==#$9f if DLI
nmi    bit    ^4f
    bpl    sys_vbl
; DLI routine, e.g.
;    pha
        jmp (dliv)
;    pla
;    rti

; VBL routine, e.g.
sys_vbl    pha
    dec 20
        lda $d300            ;prepare joystick
        and #$0f
        sta stick0
        jsr vbl

[ Dodano: Nie Lut 06, 2005 18:18 ] … 548#791548

here is the latest build of the game.


(5 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I just wanted to put a G2F under ROM and thought that i simply can use xboot /p to create the correct bootloader with xasm. i just want to add the g2f binary without hassle in my boinxx main code by

    org $c000
    ins 'title_g2f.obx',6

and in Boinxx i'll gonna call the G2F at the beginning... but it's interesting that Boinxx assembled with the /p flag will be loaded but not started properly but when assembled without the P flag it works?

strange... the 1st code segment of Boinxx switches of ROM and installes new NMI routines so it should be no problem? does anybody have any experience with Fox' professional loader?


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

jaskier.... :D you are brilliant... the elephant stuff is 100% true... hahahaha... ;) yup... i would need a player for triggering but maybe miker or dely can help out with a player source in xasm format? i mean why invent the wheel twice? :D


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

maybe dely and miker can help me out...
(hey... i am marketing manager... ;) i am searching for the optimum way... so why should i spend hours reading polish source code when someone else might getting the answer faster... ;) ;))


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

aarg... jaskier... ;) now i have implemented the fast player... which player can trigger sounds on your website??? and still question HOW can i trigger sounds???

[ Dodano: Wto Sty 25, 2005 0:00 ]
miker... great msx in the game you have mentioned...


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

just wondering... as i have found all 3 channel MPTs (they were lying on a external harddisc!!! thank god...) and fox' music player is working in boinxx without any error i was wondering how is it now possible to trigger sounds of the game? i mean channel 4 is free of use...

can MPT be triggered to play MPT sounds? or do i have to code each sound separatly???

maybe some of you game coders can help me...

cheers, heaven


(3 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit) … p;start=50

have fun...


(6 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

aarg... damned...

with fox' player works now...  thanks jaskier...