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Aktualności ze świata Atari
7th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards Oczywiście nie zabrakło polskich akcentów.
Wyniki FujiCup 2024 Sprawdź, czy były niespodzianki!
Mad Pascal 1.7.2 Optymalizacje, poprawki błędów oraz nowe funkcjonalności.
Tydzień na oddanie głosu w FUJICUP! Głosowanie potrwa tylko do 22 lutego 2025...
TURGEN 9.3.1 Najnowsza wersja oprogramowania TURGEN wprowadza kilka istotnych ulepszeń.
Opcje wyszukiwania
I dismatled the whole thing yesterday and resoldered a bunch of places that looked like they might be cold (but it seems they weren't) - also pushed out and in all 5 socketed chips. Still Nothing :(((
I made the AV Connection and the same thing - BLACK screen. When one turns the Atari ON (or presses RESET) a grey screen (or sometimes a bit coloured screen) appears for a fraction of a second and then it goes to black...
Hi all !
I have a problem with an Atari 800XL. When I connect it to the TV via the modulator all I get on channel 13 is a completely black screen and on the channel 14 a black screen with jagged horizontal grey stripes (manically flashing)... No sound is output or anything.
I tried disconnecting the keyboard, cleaning the motherboard, etc. but nothing worked. Is there a possibility of the modulator being broken and I should do the monitor (scart) cable ? What other things should I try to fix it ?
Thanx for the answers !
Best regards,
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