Uuu, foch?
To proszę bardzo, tłumaczone z niemieckiego
IDE cable length
You can about the length of the IDE cable is fighting. The Falcon IDE port adapts to almost any available standard because it is more or less from the CPU bus. More precisely, it is the CPU bus. Some IDE control signals are generated directly from COMBEL and the IDE port supplied unbuffered.
The IDE cable incl. Adapter cable to avoid interference should always be as short as possible be kept. Even with a Tower conversion or an additional IDE CD-ROM as a slave. The greatest feeling is standard 40 pin 3.5 "IDE cable from the dealers. Nobody guarantees the Falcon a cable length of 45 cm. Shorter the better!
Przewód powinien być możliwie krótki co nie znaczy że ma mieć 4cm jak w oryginale. Im krótszy tym lepiej, ale bez przesady.
two IDE disks
There is not much to say for connecting two IDE drives internal to the Falcon IDE port. Either you buy the appropriate cable adapter or you can use the same a second 2.5 "IDE drive. Then here you need a 2.5" cable from the notebook dealer has which two 2.5 "female headers.
You should sure the can identify the IDE disks used properly as IDE0 or IDE1. Unfortunately, there are plates in which the ect despite gesetzer jumper. unfortunately does not seem to function.
Occupy these plates, however both addresses. There is thus no master / slave operation possible. But it works in many cases correctly if the first available 2.5 "drive is jumpered as 'master'. Purpose is for most of the original Falcon plates jumper to close right next to the connector. There are then only two pins free. The remain also open., the respective new hard drive must be jumpered in any case as a 'slave'.
Just so both disks can be correctly recognized on the bus. So far the following 2.5 "IDE drives have been successfully tested in the Falcon F030 by several people.
Też jakoś problemu nie ma z używaniem dwóch urządzeń IDE.
A co do CT2b to jeśli dobrze kojarzę jest przetaktowana szyna. Więc ryzyko błędów IDE jest dużo większe.
Dokładnie tak samo jak w PC jeśli przetaktujesz szyne PCI ze standardowych 33,33mhz na wyższe wartości.
Jeden dysk będzie działać i na 40mhz, drugi padnie przy 36mhz.
Więc takie przykłady są co najmniej słabe...
Zródło: Do it falcon (jest cały rozbudowany rozdział o IDE), Chips'n'chips