Nie ma żadnej pamięci wirtualnej. Poprostu 68010 ma więcej informacji w ramce stosu przy bus errorze, co pozwala na wirtualizację (przy uzyciu dodatkowego sprzętu). 68000 nie zapisuje wystarczającej ilości informacji. Stacje uniksowe, które uzywały 68000 radziły sobie z tym w ten sposób, że posiadały dwie 68000 wykonujące te same rozkazy, z tym, że jedna działała o cykl wolniej, czy coś w tym stylu. Gdy jeden procek zaliczał bus errora, drugi był zatrzymywany.
Jest sporo info o tym na wiki:
The 68000 was also unable to easily support virtual memory, which requires the ability to trap and recover from a failed memory access. The 68000 does provide a bus error exception which can be used to trap, but it does not save enough processor state to resume the faulted instruction once the operating system has handled the exception. Several companies did succeed in making 68000 based Unix workstations with virtual memory that worked by using two 68000 chips running in parallel on different phased clocks. When the "leading" 68000 encountered a bad memory access, extra hardware would interrupt the "main" 68000 to prevent it from also encountering the bad memory access. This interrupt routine would handle the virtual memory functions and restart the "leading" 68000 in the correct state to continue properly synchronized operation when the "main" 68000 returned from the interrupt.
These problems were fixed in the next major revision of the 68K architecture, with the release of the MC68010. The Bus Error and Address Error exceptions pushed a large amount of internal state onto the supervisor stack in order to facilitate recovery, and the MOVE from SR instruction was made privileged. A new unprivileged "MOVE from CCR" instruction was provided for use in its place by user mode software; an operating system could trap and emulate user-mode MOVE from SR instructions if desired.