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AVG's SIDE emulation places the IDE registers at the exact same memory location as a real SIDE2 cart. So it's impossible to access both devices at the same time, no matter what changes are made to the driver.
Cobol napisał/a:Mogą, tylko trzeba zmienić numery partycji, żeby się nie pokrywały.
LSDEV and LSDSK tools (APT Toolkit ATR) can be useful here, since they display active device IDs and the location (i.e. host adapter) of all active partitions. napisał/a:Thanks FJC,
Tell me please, why I can't see SIDE2 as device to flash from computer equipped with U1MB... I tried with enabled/disabled Sparta on U1MB and SIDE2 board. I downloaded Side_Loader_v3.02 from your site. When I boot from ATR I see only message: "Waiting for SIDE2...". Finally, I updated only Sparta on SIDE2 because I can't do it from my 800XL with U1MB.
I flash SIDE2 on U1MB machines all the time. Secret is to ensure U1MB ROMs are not in the way. So: turn off PBI HDD and SDX in U1MB settings, put SIDE2 in SDX mode, and power-cycle machine. SDX will boot from SIDE2 and you can then flash both SDX ROM and loader ROM as you wish.
UFLASH: Options -> Set SDX Size. If you have no need of the U1MB GOS, set SDX size to 320K. The flasher will then apply the 320K ROM without complaint.
As for SIDE: SDX is always 256KB.
Note SIDE driver is several generations old... a new one will be released in a matter of days now.
grzybson napisał/a:Na razie ciekawie się zapowiada.
W kwestii GUI to chyba wzorcem jest to co zrobił FJC w fdisku do APT, uflash i innych.
Nie tylko menu, ale także listy, okienka dialogowe, przyciski, pola tekstowe, pola wyboru. W dodatku responsywne - działa w 40 i 80 kolumnach (VBXE lub soft. GR8).
Pytałem go nawet, czy kiedyś udostępni ten framework - owszem, jak będzie miał go kiedyś czas ogarnąć :/
Perhaps in the current circumstances, I will have time to address this request, finally. :)
Problem with my library is definitely code size, but once you start handling dialog boxes and file selectors with event-based callbacks (which is what is going on in FDISK, UFLASH, etc) and every control existing as a self-contained object, it takes a lot of code. GUIs are by their nature quite code-heavy.
Candle napisał/a:dla wybranych komputerów zapewne
Be relieved if not among those selected. :)
No more effort than the contrivances necessary to deliberately make software break on U1MB.
voy napisał/a:Widać pewną regularność; adres zmniejsza się o 4 bajty przy każdym kolejnym wystąpieniu. :)
Thanks! Heuristic anti-virus detection in next version of U1MB loader knows what to look for now. :D
Error code 132 ($84) means 'No device handler installed', so perhaps the SDX ROM is entirely corrupted at the moment. I have no idea; one would not normally see such an error message under any circumstances.
Download this: …
It has the latest SDX, loader, drivers, etc.
_tzok_ napisał/a:Jacques napisał/a:Może tak było naście lat temu, gdy "gołe" Atari 8-bit dało się kupić za 50 zł, ale obecnie?
...obecnie nadal można kupić sprawne Atari za mniejsza lub podobną kwotę. Więc wkładanie 2gie tyle w coś co umożliwi uruchomienie dodatkowych kilku procent dem i gier (które można sobie odpalić na emulatorze) jest mało racjonalne.
Z kolei dla kolekcjonera, więcej wart jest komputer w oryginalnym stanie, niż z takim współczesnym rozszerzeniem... U1MB pod tym względem jest w miarę ok, bo daje się wymontować bez śladu, nie wymaga "twardych" ingerencji w płytę główną.
Read feature list of U1MB; there's a reason it sold four figure units and it's not because it provides 1MB of RAM. If extra features aren't for you, SIMM 1MB expansion exists. I cannot understand the argument over a device what provides value for users who actually want what it offers. Market decides what rises to the top, and thousands of users seem to think it was a good investment. U1MB is by no means mandatory, though, if you prefer to use something else.
Change forum domain to Then the eventual subject of all threads will be clear to new users. :)
Why would Sophia and VBXE not work together in the same machine? If there's space for a DVI connector on the back of your Mini-ATX case, you can have DVI out from Sophia and 15KHz RGB out via DIN13 from VBXE. No problem.
Rapidus, meanwhile, will fit if you use ebiguy's alternative XEL-CF3 adapter PCB. Contact him via AtariAge about it.
Unfortunately Rapidus cold-started my machine on RESET after five minutes of use (just like every other machine I put it in), so I took it out again, but I still use ebiguy's board, since it has handy connection points for VBXE.
tooloudtoowide napisał/a:mate, Zaxon added four 100nF capacitors and the CF3 magically started to work with the cards that failed to work before, so maybe there is something to improve in hardware design (CF3) to make it working better (in terms of cards compatibility).
Quite possibly: this is exactly the point I was trying to make. Any improvements should be fed back to mytek.
dely napisał/a:Is XEL-CF3 will boot with unmodfied XL/XE ROM?
It will. It's driven by a PBI BIOS, so works seamlessly with stock operating systems. It even works alongside external PBI devices providing bus IDs do not clash.
Pin napisał/a:@tooloudtoowide - jeśli to klon MyIDE (co podejżewam), to wolę sprawdzone rozwiązania które notabene działają praktycznie z dowolnymi kartami CF, czy dyskami ATA. Nie można porównywać MyIDE do pełnowymiarowego urządzenia NewDev - IDE, bo to jest trochę tak jakby porównać protezę nogi do prawdziwej nogi :)
If MYIDE could be driven by the U1MB PBI BIOS, it would be functionally identical to any Newdev IDE device, since that's exactly what is implemented. XEL-CF3 registers are in the $D1xx region, doesn't interfere with cartridges or block the cart port, and operates 100 per cent as a Newdev PBI HDD. Whether buffering and stabilisation methods of the hardware allow it to work with a particular card is another matter entirely.
PAL version has s-video out of the box. But the SCCC's video quality is much better anyway.
Yes: that's a Candle original without RD4/RD5 resistors, but the later batch had the v.2 JED, which is why you were OK.
What is the strange solder blob next to the MMU IDC connector, BTW?
New firmware works perfectly well with the CPLD code supplied on all Lotharek boards. Only the very old (v.1) JED requires an update prior to flashing my firmware, since it relies on IORAM at $D1xx and $D5xx which is not present in the v.1 JED. If you have a black U1MB board without RD4/RD5 current limiting resistors on the PCB, check first.
My firmware has no issues booting the machine in 1088K mode, so certainly look to the hardware or CPLD programming for issues.
Boogie Nights is a simple fix. Using the new U1MB/Incognito firmware, enable the PBI BIOS, and then set 'BASIC state' to 'disabled' on the first menu. It seems the demo simply fails to disable internal BASIC, but I have no explanation for why it works without holding down 'Option' on stock machines. In any case, it booted perfectly via SIO2SD on my U1MB 600XL, even using the high-speed SIO driver built into the newer U1MB firmware. :)
Of course regardless of BIOS settings, it loads from SIO2SD if you just hold down the Option key too.
Thanks for the info. :) Will have a closer look at Boogie Nights... seems intriguing.
It would be useful to know which Incognito firmware is being used and whether or not internal (PBI) high-speed SIO is enabled for those titles which fail to load via SIO2xxx devices. Regarding the problem titles, most or all exhibit identical behaviour on U1MB systems (which is hardly surprising given that Incognito's XL/XE mode emulates exactly the same operating environment).
1. Boogie Nights (XEX) may be incompatible with the SIO2SD boot loader. I don't have SIO2SD to hand right now, so can't confirm.
2. Overmind (ATR) hangs on an U1MB when run from the CF card too. Possibly it relies on some property of being loaded from a serial peripheral.
3. Bitter reality (ATR) encounters a disk error on an U1MB machine when run from the CF card, probably also because it provides its own built-in serial loader.
4. Phantasy (ATR) crashes when loaded from the CF card on an U1MB machine (reasons unknown).
Any ATR which chooses to load itself via a custom SIO loader will always fail when launched from the CF card. The ATR handler is only compatible with software which employs standard calls to DSKINV/SIOV.
Previous version ran on U1MB/Rapidus machine in 65C816 mode and on emulated 65C816. What was the issue?
New XEL-CF3 board for Rapidus owners:
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