(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

I have been looking alternatives of how things look on screen during game play. 
One ideal is to replace the HP: (Hit Points) indicator just to the right of EP: with a bar across the top of the screen, showing hit points or health. I could still have HP: in the character detail display (Press C on keyboard during game)
I have looked into making the walls look 3D, but my early efforts did not provide promising results. I am holding back on doing this because It would be a major overhaul of the game and will take a lot of time.

Szukałem alternatyw tego, jak rzeczy wyglądają na ekranie podczas gry.
Jednym z ideałów jest zastąpienie wskaźnika HP: tuż na prawo od EP: paskiem u góry ekranu, pokazującym punkty wytrzymałości lub zdrowie. Nadal mogłem mieć HP: w widoku szczegółów postaci (naciśnij C na klawiaturze podczas gry)
Zastanawiałem się, jak sprawić, by ściany wyglądały na trójwymiarowe, ale moje wczesne wysiłki nie przyniosły obiecujących rezultatów. Wstrzymuję się z tym, ponieważ byłby to poważny przegląd gry i zająłby dużo czasu.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Having civil discussions online with people does help me build better games. I am working on several possible upgrades to Secretum Labyrinth Dark Castles. I have a separate thread here, on Facebook, and Atari.IO. If anyone likes to discuss, you may go to any of those places.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

The AtariAge account mentioned happened over four years ago, plus I had not attempted to create accounts for almost 3 years now. It was obvious I was no longer able to have civil conversations there about my games, and discussions now happen on here, Atari.IO, Facebook, and YouTube.
There are no special rules from email services about having accounts. How many different email accounts do you have? Everyone I know have multiple email accounts they use for various reasons, separate for work, business, romance, pleasure. I cannot tell you how many times I used a different account to sign up for something because I don't want my business accounts to be spam jammed.
Myself and Video61 receive emails and seems to be ongoing possible coming from thug Atari community members that I had prior problems with on AtariAge. I have discovered many associations over the years and I know of your association with Albert, the late KJMANN, and others. I receive emails requesting to buy game binaries, about packaging, about us selling on cartridge. Lance receives email requests to buy boards and shells, attempts to scam him, etc. I am glad I did not sell someone any ROMs because last year I discovered that bootleg game binaries were being sold that belong to Video61 and AtariAge. Don't worry, that account was terminated.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

pancio.net napisał/a:

I want to be your 'royal' fan.. could you provide link to your productions?





(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

What is happening to me lately is that I have been busy working on various Atari 8-bit, 5200, and 7800 games. I would love to continue supporting the 8-bit platform with new games, and do have several lined up in various stages of development. Despite the bullying I have received over the years, I still strive to move forward. I make enough from royalties and games sell good enough to continue. I have taken down those other accounts many months ago because they are no longer necessary. I know I have many followers, fans, and royal customers that want to see good stuff come from me, and it is better to continue to move towards a positive image.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

My Bird is taking flight. Megaoids is one of the games I have on the Atari 8-bit. Ported to 5200 that sold very well. Now porting to 7800. This is not the bird that involves my middle finger being extended that I like to show the cat. I have more in my flock.



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

flashjazzcat napisał/a:
PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Avoid getting into keyboard wars that go off topic about the game.

That's great (albeit a bit hard to swallow given the fact you're using an account with which you previously spoke about yourself in the third-person despite the fact everyone suspected it was you using a pseudonym), but if that's genuinely true, do you want to start by not sending me stupid emails (from the same account you previously used to register an account at AtariAge)?

FlashJazzCat, it is great to see you. Looks like you have been doing some interesting stuff with VBXE and Side3. If that makes you more comfortable, you will not receive any more emails from that account. I will go back to just using it for signing up these "free services" so my primary account does not get spammed.
I have been busy working on new games for the last few months. Last month, I got around to adding a few updates to Secretum Labyrinth Dark Castles. Video61 will be testing this game this week. I would like to finally get this game to market. I think I tinkered with it a little too much.
I am now making games across different Atari Platforms. Porting to 5200 just requires some modifications to port. 7800 porting is getting more involved.


(7 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)


Secretum Labyrinth is a series of games that I started developing about 10 years ago. Dark Castles is the latest game in development. I was working with Video61. They are role-playing games and adventure games like 2600 Adventure and NES Zelda, and they are big games with many different screens. They require time to develop and test. We want our customers to be a surprise and discover all the secrets while playing.
The game series was designed to bring large exploration games to the Atari 8-bit. Something we thought was missing on the 8-bit Atari. We have Atari computers with extended memory and cartridges with plenty of available EPROM space, why not make something useful and fun out of it all. You explore different screens in search of treasures, items needed to overcome certain points and develop your main character.
There is a Secretum Labyrinth game in the series that you can play for free. It can be downloaded here:
Secretum Labyrinth to gry, które tworzę na 8-bitowe Atari. Są to gry RPG i gry przygodowe, takie jak 2600 Adventure i NES Zelda, z wieloma różnymi ekranami. Dark Castles to najnowsza gra w fazie rozwoju.
Seria gier została zaprojektowana w celu wprowadzenia dużych gier eksploracyjnych na 8-bitowe Atari. Coś, czego naszym zdaniem brakowało na 8-bitowym Atari. Mamy komputery Atari z rozszerzoną pamięcią i kartridże z dużą ilością dostępnej przestrzeni EPROM, dlaczego nie zrobić z tego wszystkiego czegoś pożytecznego i zabawnego. Eksplorujesz różne ekrany w poszukiwaniu skarbów, przedmiotów potrzebnych do pokonania pewnych punktów i rozwoju głównego bohatera.
W serii znajduje się gra Secretum Labyrinth, w którą można grać za darmo. Można go pobrać pod powyższym linkiem.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

I'd like to keep what's going on in the Atari scene. I write a lot of games and I like to talk to people about them and what they like to play. Avoid getting into keyboard wars that go off topic about the game. Perhaps I'll start writing about my specific game projects in the software 8-bit software here. I will try to use simple phrases that are easy to translate.

Chciałbym zachować to, co dzieje się na scenie Atari. Piszę wiele gier i lubię rozmawiać z ludźmi o nich i o tym, w co lubią grać. Unikaj wdawania się w wojny na klawiaturę, które odbiegają od tematu gry. Być może zacznę pisać o moich konkretnych projektach gier w oprogramowaniu 8-bitowym tutaj. Postaram się używać prostych zwrotów, które są łatwe do przetłumaczenia.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Enough with unrelated matters. I have been programming Atari 8-bit since 1985. Started with Basic, then went onto BasicXE, TurboBasic, and assembly. I have been making my own games for many years. I do like the graphics non-playable demos that I see for the Atari, and I am one person wants to apply some really cool stuff to happen during game play, or even happen when the game title pops up on the screen. Some of those graphics effects consume a lot of CPU cycles and memory. Most games try to make the best out of the limited resources of the Atari for great game play. Some of the graphic tricks I had applied to games include "Super-IRG", "Player/Missile Multiplexing", various PRIOR settings, and Parallax Side Scrolling. These do not require lots of RAM or Cartridge ROM space.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

flashjazzcat napisał/a:

It's pretty clear who is 'playing the victim' here. Someone who propagated multiple AtariAge forum accounts and then - after being banned - multiple social media accounts, and has admitted same in as many words (falsely professing to have shut down the accounts on multiple occasions, before proceeding to continue using them). He then plays the victim by claiming that the consequences of his actions were not the result of maintaining sock accounts, shilling, spamming, libel, sending unsolicited and menacing emails and DMs, but some kind of conspiracy to damage his business. Perfectly legitimate constructive criticism (which began politely and in good faith before it became apparent that the protagonist was using the sock 'Bluemoon_001' account to deflect remarks about 'gaps in music' which were only recently acknowledged to have existed all along, and finally - three years later - have been fixed; this was only one of several illegitimate accounts) is - again - framed as 'victimisation', 'bashing', etc. You can see the discussion between two accounts (PeteyM5 and Bluemoon_001) maintained by the same person right here:

https://forums.atariage.com/topic/28529 … ser-video/

Why anyone would dredge up this three-year old farce (and the legitimate criticisms, which he clearly can't get over to this day) when it's the very thread that resulted in him being booted off the forum after he sailed too close to the wind with the 'Bluemoon_001' account, I don't know; I couldn't have selected a better example which demonstrates every point I am trying to make.

Never mind my 'understanding' and forgiveness toward stupid behaviour: there are 'social consequences' to pig-headedness (deafness to criticism) and deliberate deception (presenting to potential customers mutliple sock-accounts masquerading as independent, unbiased commentators); perhaps if one had not employed such nefarious methods in the first place, and had not continued to do so, it would not be necessary to publicise the matter for the benefit of uninformed community members (as I am inclined to do, having blocked the sock accounts, every time I receive another creepy email from a new burner account).

This is the reason this 'game developer [faced] challenges here', not because of 'envy' (of what?) or 'price'. Not even the nothingburger debates regarding PoP and its use of XBIOS or the game author's theatrical, cape-swinging exit from one of my threads is comparable in any way.

In any case: write more, since the material becomes more interesting with each post. ;)

Jonathan, it is good to see you. Those are some interesting things you are posting here. One voice will serve myself in future communications here going forward. I will be that voice.
The reason why I recently resumed some work on Secretum Labyrinth Dark Castles, and X-Craft (Game for 5200) is that Lance and I decided it is coming to time to finally put this game out on cartridge. I looked into doing some improvements to help the game. Starting with the very thing that started all the trouble on AtariAge four years ago, I looked into what can be done about the sound gap issue. It is doubtful that a barely noticeable sound gap will a major impact on sales. Other graphics, sound, and game play improvements are being looked into as long as it remains minor to where it will need to go through addition extensive beta testing. The group of beta testers work with Video61 wish to remain anonymous to avoid problems. They are not those other accounts, as Jonathan alleges.
I have taken the other account down, and been remaining offline for months now, as I know that it causes friction between my self and a group of AtariAge members. I just use my main accounts on here and Facebook.
I wish to bury the hatchet and maintain a truce, and go our separate ways.
I am aware that the price of the cartridges is the main source of friction between myself and AtariAge members. The game not available for free of digital downloads. Some games not having demo's. A demo has been available for Secretum Labyrinth series, that I do update when I feel that I need to demonstrate something new going on.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Obyśmy mogli podłączyć Atari do wyświetlania przepisów w kuchni.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Lance (Video61) never supported what is going on, and this is about Lance's business interests. Lance does business with customers who are also on Atari Area, AtariAge, Atari.IO. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Lance has been made aware of many things.
To become a criminal case, a person using fake accounts would have to involve direct threats, stalking, identity theft, doxxing, pornography or derogatory statements (regarding nationality, race, religion, etc.). Would need to be using different aliases to scam people, pass along unauthorized materials, or trading contraband materials. Any defamation case may become null and void as both parties appears both sides were harassing and defaming each other.
Since some Facebook posts did not mention specific names, events, groups, forums, etc, and were only posted on their own wall (account timeline), appear ambitious, and someone else reposted it with their opinion, it becomes a matter of interpretation.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Amun-Ra napisał/a:
PilotZmii napisał/a:

Interesting that these things happen to you. Maybe if you were kinder, more understanding and forgiving, the problem would be less.

What is that? Some kind of victim blaming?



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

flashjazzcat napisał/a:

Funny you should say that. Shared at atari8, along with any other such crap I receive:



(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Getting many flakes of snow outside my window here. Let's keep this about Atari.
Anyone figured out how to use BRK statement in 6502 assembly. I know it can be set to jump to a memory location, but how do you set it up?


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

tebe napisał/a:


lista kompatybilności 65816, w tym tytuły które używają nielegali, a które nieświadomie używaliśmy i mordy nie darliśmy bo nie wiedzieliśmy że są nielegale

ogólnie XXL ma rację ale nie przyznamy mu racji bo tak...

na tej liście nie ma tytułu pewnej znanej gry która od póżnych lat 80-ych ma nielegal który działa nawet na 65816

The reason illegal 6502 codes won't work with 65816 and other similar processors is that these codes are needed for different instructions. The programs I create stick to the standard 6502 code. It's better to make the products available to a wide market, not limited to certain Atari models.
I come here looking for answers and talking to members. The struggle here takes more time to find information.


(1,754 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

OK. I remember what I was trying to do a few years ago. I needed the XBIOS source code so, I can add my piece of code to prompt the user for the file name. The program will save or load the game files from there using XBIOS. I can assemble the routine call it when the player wants to save their game progress.

The program currently uses a function that directly writes to disk sectors with no file names. The users will just format a separate diskette with nothing else on it, just for the game files. I have concerns that someone will accidentally put in a disk with other important files on it.

[Edit] I am attaching the current disk save/load system that accesses sectors directly.


(1,754 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

OK. I remember what I was trying to do a few years ago. I needed the XBIOS source code so, I can add my piece of code to prompt the user for the file name. The program will save or load the game files from there using XBIOS. I can assemble the routine call it when the player wants to save their game progress.

The program currently uses a function that directly writes to disk sectors with no file names. The users will just format a separate diskette with nothing else on it, just for the game files. I have concerns that someone will accidentally put in a disk with other important files on it


(1,754 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

I want to write from memory to disk. XBIOS will be called from a cartridge game.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Istnieje nieskończona liczba argumentów, które nigdy nie mają zwycięskiej strony. Musiałem zadać pytania gdzie indziej, aby uzyskać odpowiedzi.
Zostaw tę cipkę mnie, sam sobie z nim poradzę.


(1,754 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

I will keep the discussion here. The other thread seems to be about people who want to bully each other that makes asses out of everyone. I want to run the XBIOS parts that I need to name the files, access the directory, load the binary and save the variable area used for the cartridge game. This allows the player to save his progress in a large role-playing game. Variable space is stored at $2,800 and is approximately 2KB in size.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

I wanted to create a game progress save using XBIOS on a game cartridge. You need to save files like "Save1.gsf", "Save2.gsf", etc. I don't want to load DOS into memory because the game is already using the same memory. XBIOS may be the solution. Can XXL provide anything?


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Be careful what you post, provoking others encourages bad reactions. Certainly do not want to upset anyone to come vandalize our homes.
It seems that Facebook Anne vanished. [Maybe Video61 got through]. I understand, this has happened before. Recent group posts focus towards one's games.


(34 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Programmer may want to look over the source code and see what is going on with PORTB (54017,$D301) writes. Compy, Rambo, and U1B all work different.