TaK już namierzyłem 3 wersje.
Jest jakiś emulator pod którym on rusza?
Bo widzę, że to typ carta 81
Czyli chyba trzeba będzie zrobić sobie takiego carta
https://www.pcbway.com/project/sharepro … uters.html
Jeszcze opis do niego:
Works as M091 OSS banking scheme, adding bits 5 and 6 for selecting 'subpart'. 4 subparts by 16KBs = 64KB. Also it seems there may be slightly different version which allows to include original OSS carts to be ran from upper banks.
The correct order of banks in a dump is 4 individual M091 OSS carts, ordered backwards in file - first 'cart' starts on 0xC000, second on 0x8000, third no 0x4000 and fourth at 0x0000.
All known cartridges start in Micromonitor, to get from it to MDDOS, press ESC ESC ENTER. You'll be in MDDUP, from there you can do lots of stuff but most interesting is pressing 5 - it lists the content of the romdisk, which behaves as read only double density disk.
So far this info about romdisk was found:
Sector size is 0x100
Sectors map in logical order of banks. Sector 0 is thus at 0xC000 in file, sector 0xFF is at 0x3F00.
The directory is on sector 0x4C, offset 0x80.
Individual directory records are in the DOS2 format.
Even the markers at the end of the sectors are the same (6bits for file number, 10 bits for next sector, 8 bits for number of bytes)
Existing cartridges use sectors 0x60-0x6F and 0x80-0xFF. Totally 36KB. Will need to investigate if more can be used.
It must be verified if programs can start on any sector, or only on even sectors.
Dodam tylko - że romy śmigają na AVG Cart -> trzeba tylko zmienić typ na AA (DEC 170), bo obrazy ze strony podanej przez Bactraaa mają ustawiony typ jako 81 (HEX 51)