_tzok_ napisał/a:. If you like 16-bit CPUs, go for Atari ST or Amiga, or even RAPIDUS, but don't call RAPIDUS an Atari XE. It has nothing to do with Atari XE
Sorry, but that's authoritative bunch of crap and fortunately you're not the one to tell anyone how to call it. Call it whatever you like yourself and that's your only right on the matter.
You mentioned Amiga and ST, for which faster CPU turbo-cards that add RAM exist literally since ALWAYS and their users have no problem to call A500 with 32-bit 020/030 CPU or A1200 with 030/040/060 an Amiga. The same goes for ST with PAK030 or TerribleFire or even C64 with SuperCPU.
It can do things that real XE system could never do.
Yes, it can - ADDITIONALLY.
How biased point of view you have... Imagine it can do things XE always does, TOO (and FOREMOST, otherwise no one would be interested in such new machine).
It's called BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY and applies to upgraded Amiga, ST, PC, too, unless someone really intends to exploit hardware differences to create incompatible software.
And even VBXE is just a GFX card, adding new modes, keeping old ones and anyone can still use original software via it's own or original Atari video-output.
So yeah, as long it's Atari XE motherboard (not some FPGA), original GFX/MSX capabilities stay there (which actually define our beloved computer), the OS is compatible and runs XE software, I will call it XE machine with turbo-card and more RAM, just like other platforms do.
And no, personally I even don't own Rapidus turbo-card.